
(Honolulu) – The current eruption of Kīlauea has forever destroyed the Waiopae Tidepools Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD). Less than 1% of the marine environment in Hawai‘i is fully protected by these districts, so the loss of Waiopae is extremely significant.  

(Honolulu) – The recent deaths of three critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals on O‘ahu due to toxoplasmosis is very sad and could have been entirely preventable, according to a joint statement from the heads of the Hawai‘i Departments of Health (DOH) & Land and Natural Resources (DLNR).

(Lihue) – Henry and Reese are six-year-old and three-year-old Border Terriers respectively, who spent most of last week crisscrossing the rugged, hot, wind-swept terrain of tiny Lehua Island.  Lehua is a State Seabird Sanctuary and the site of an intensive restoration project over the past nine months to protect seabirds by removing invasive rats. In 2017, the partners of the Lehua Island Restoration Project applied a conservation bait to remove the population of invasive Pacific rats which eat the chicks of nesting seabirds and devour the native plants that help support a large variety of bird life here.

(Hilo) – The urge to get up close and personal to lava during the current Kilauea eruption is not only unsafe but people who get caught now potentially face steep fines and jail time.

(Honolulu) - Between 80 and 100 outrigger canoes and catamarans on the beach at Lanikai were posted with notices today. Owners have 72 hours to remove their vessels from unencumbered State lands or face their boats being impounded.

(HONOLULU) – Are you a private landowner, non-profit group, or local government agency interested in protecting and managing forested lands? The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of Forestry and Wildlife is seeking new projects for two federally-funded forest acquisition programs:  the Community Forest Program and the Hawaiʻi Forest Legacy Program.

(Honolulu) – Deep in the Honouliuli Forest Reserve, high in Oah‘u’s Wai‘anae Mountains, a sophisticated monitoring station is watching Caly 24-hours a day, seven-days a week. Caly (cyanea calycina) or haha in Hawaiian, is one of less than 200 members of this species left on O‘ahu.

(Kailua-Kona, Hawai‘i) -The Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Hunter Education Program will be holding a field seminar at Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a Forest Reserve on Thursday, August 2, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

(HONOLULU) – The Board of Land and Natural Resources today reviewed the draft Hā’ena State Parks Master Plan, recommended that the Governor accept the Final Environmental Impact Statement, and delegated authority to the Chair of the Board to approve the final Master Plan following acceptance of the EIS by the Governor.

(HONOLULU) –Hawai‘i’s critical shortage of affordable dwellings will get a boost from a USDA Forest Service Wood Innovations grant. Nationwide the U.S. Forest Service is awarding almost $8 million in grants for projects in 20 states to expand and accelerate wood products and wood energy markets. The grants are intended to stimulate the removal of hazardous fuels from forests and reduce the risk of wildfires, promote overall forest health and reduce forest management costs.