Fishpond Permits
DLNR has created a streamlined Loko Iʻa Application for loko iʻa repair and restoration as part of Hoʻāla Loko Iʻa program.
The Department has issued the following permits since the program’s inception:
Restoration site plans

Alekoko Fishpond restoration plan, Kaua`i
Useful documents
Regulation of Aquaculture Operations and Product Sale (from Permits and Regulatory Requirements for Aquaculture in Hawaii; prepared for the Aquaculture and Livestock Support Services Program, State Department of Agriculture, by Aquaculture Planning & Advocacy, LLC, September 1, 2011)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Decision Document, Nationwide Permit 3 (Feb 13, 2012)
Loko Iʻa: A Manual on Hawaiian Fishpond Restoration and Management (prepared for the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, by Graydon “Buddy” Keala, with James R. Hollyer and Luisa Castro, 2007)
Hoʻāla Loko Iʻa (Conservation District Use Permit ST-3703, staff report prepared by Michael Cain, June 2014)