News Releases

(Hanapepe, Kauai) – With fewer than 500 ʻakikiki, an endemic Hawaiian honey creeper, (Oreomystis bairdi) left in the wild, a loss of even a couple of eggs to predators like rats is considered a setback to the people trying to save this native species from extinction on Kauai.

HONOLULU-The Department of Land and Natural Resources will hold its first public informational meeting on sea level rise adaptation in Hawai‘i, on Wednesday, June 29, 2016. This meeting will be the first in a series of statewide public informational meetings to be held in an effort to educate people about sea level rise adaptation and gather comments regarding key issues and concerns regarding sea level rise.

(LAHAINA) - The chairmen of the senate and house legislative committees, that deal with environmental and conservation issues, encouraged their colleagues to become better educated about the degradation of Hawaii’s coral reefs. They made their comments during a special charter tour of West Maui Reefs on Friday. During the event, hosted by Trilogy Excursions and dubbed the “Boatload of Decision Makers,” Senate Land, Water, and Agriculture Chair Mike Gabbard and House Water and Land Chair Ryan Yamane said it’s important for lawmakers to take the time to get away from the Capitol, to see first-hand, how land-based pollutants and unsustainable fishing practices are killing coral reefs.

(HONOLULU) – The Board of Land and Natural Resources (the “Board”) today issued Minute Order No. 9 (the “Order”) in the Contested Case Hearing for the Conservation District Use Application (“CDUA”) for the Thirty Meter Telescope (“TMT”) at the Mauna Kea Science Reserve. In the Order the Board unanimously denied a motion to disqualify retired Hilo judge Riki May Amano as the hearing officer in the case.

HONOLULU – Just in time for National Trails Day, on Saturday, June 4, 2016, Hawaii’s Nā Ala Hele Trail and Access Program is launching a new website with cutting-edge features and a new design making it the prime resource for state forest trail hikers in Hawaii. National Trails Day is the largest celebration of trails and the thousands of volunteers who maintain trails across the country.

(HONOLULU) – A proposal to close the Ala Wai Canal from the Ala Moana Boulevard Bridge to the Kalakaua Avenue Bridge during the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Sept. 1-10, 2016, will be considered at a meeting of the Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) on June 9, 2016.

LIHU'E – The Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project (KESRP) announced today that it will continue its annual seabird radar monitoring work to once again coincide with the start of egg laying for both ‘A‘o (Newell’s Shearwaters) and Ua’u (Hawaiian Petrels) on Kaua’i.

(HILO & KAHULUI) - Dozens of scientists, foresters, surveyors, researchers, and educators are actively involved in the fight to try and stop the spread of Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death. The fungal

HONOLULU — With the goal to ensure a peaceful and safe family atmosphere this Memorial Day weekend at Ahu O Laka, the Kaneohe sandbar, the Department of Land and Natural Resources is reminding everyone of the no-alcohol rule that will be in place on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

(KAHULUI, MAUI) - Ask anyone who’s had a thorny branch go through their slipper and into their foot, through a tire, or land on their car and you’ll get one answer. Kiawe is a nasty plant that can hurt, can puncture and can scratch. This is not the only reason numerous kiawe are being cut down and removed from ‘Ahihi-Kina‘u Natural Area Reserve (NAR) on Maui’s south shore.