
(Honolulu) – A seven-month-long sewer improvement project begins next Monday at the Sand Island State Recreation Area (SRA). Phase two of this project includes a new pump station, comfort station sewer lines, force main to the Sand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant (SIWWTP) and connecting sewer lines.

(HONOLULU) – In a sweeping and complex, 46-page-long ruling, First Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey P. Crabtree ruled in favor of the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR), Maui County, Alexander and Baldwin, and East Maui Irrigation, in a case brought by the Sierra Club regarding water diversions from east Maui streams.  The BLNR allocates available water for off-stream uses. 

 (HONOLULU) – More than 30 camps on both sides of Diamond Head are being cleaned-up this week. The clean-up at Diamond Head is part of a larger statewide coordinated effort to manage threats to natural and cultural resources on State lands and parks under DLNR jurisdiction.

(Kula) – On the southern slopes of Haleakalā, an area once used for livestock grazing has been gradually turning back into native forest. Though the boundaries of the Kahikinui Forest Reserve has changed considerably since its establishment in 1928, the overarching goal of forest restoration and management has endured. Now, the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW), is seeking input on a draft management plan for the Kahikinui State Forest Reserve that will guide management priorities for this area over the next decade.

(HILO) – The species recovery effort, known as The ʻAlalā Project, is announcing the next steps in the recovery efforts of ʻalalā (Hawaiian crow). Last October, in response to mortalities of released ʻalalā, including predation by ‘io (Hawaiian hawk), conservationists brought the remaining birds from the Pu‘u Maka‘ala Natural Area Reserve, on Hawaiʻi Island, back in from the wild - returning them to the conservation breeding program at the Keauhou Bird Conservation Center.

(Honolulu) – Recent heavy rain events have caused major flooding to many parts of the state and with that, debris is churned up and scattered. Staff from the DLNR Division of Aquatics Resources (DAR) are currently cleaning up Lake Wilson which has had tons of rubbish in its waters due to these rain events. If Lake Wilson is not cleaned up, it could impact fishing opportunities in the Lake, and the rubbish could end up in Kaiaka Bay and eventually the ocean.

(Lāhainā) – Construction is set to begin April 5th on a new concrete ferry pier at the DLNR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation’s (DOBOR) Lāhainā Small Boat Harbor. The new concrete ferry pier (20’ wide x 115’ long) will be located 70’ out from the north face of the existing harbor pier. Other improvements include a new aluminum framed gangway (15’ wide x 70’ long) connecting the ferry pier to the existing pier; demolition of the existing harbor office and construction of a new harbor administration office. New concrete pavement on the pier deck and along Wharf Street; as well as new bollards and striping will also be part of the project.

 (Honolulu) – The DLNR Division of State Parks, in partnership with PBR HAWAII, invites the community to participate in updating Hawaiʻi’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP).

(LĪHUʻE) –Keahua Bridge and parking lot will be closed beginning today through early next week due to repairs of the bridge surface and pedestrian railings.  In addition to the bridge repairs, contractors will be felling seven large albizia trees in the immediate vicinity of Keahua Bridge and parking lot areas.

(Honolulu) – The Poamoho Trail has been closed due to a large landslide event. The trail will remain closed and access permits will remain suspended until a hazard mitigation team has assessed the damage and potential hazards on-trail.