Land Board Submittals – 05/08/20


                                    DATE:            FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

                                    TIME:              9:00 A.M.

                                    PLACE:           YouTube

Considering the evolving COVID-19 situation, protecting the health and welfare of the community is of utmost concern. As such, the meeting will be held remotely, with Board members, Staff and Applicants participating via online meeting venue. The public can listen to the meeting via audio live stream at:

Interested persons can submit written testimony in advance of the meeting, which will be distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. We request that testimony be submitted not later than 24 hours prior to the meeting to ensure time for Board members to review it. Submit written testimony to:

In some of the matters before the Board, a person may wish to request a contested case hearing. If such a request is made before the Board’s decision, then the Board will consider the request first – before considering the merits of the item before it. A person who wants a contested case may also wait until the Board decides the issue, then request the contested case after the decision. It is up to you. Any request must be made in writing within ten days. If no request for contested case is made, the Board will make a decision. The Department will treat the decision as final and proceed accordingly.



1. Request Approval for the meeting minutes for April 9, 2020.



1. Request Approval of: (1) Acquisition of Private Lands; (2) Issuance of Management Right of Entry to the Division of Forestry and Wildlife; (3) and Authorize the Division of Forestry and Wildlife to conduct Public Hearings on the Island of Maui for proposed addition to the Forest Reserve System, situated at Kamehamenui, Kula, Makawao, Maui, Tax Map Key (2) 2-3-005:002 & 014;


Request Delegation of Authority to the Chairperson to Administer Existing Grazing Lease with Brendan Balthazar regarding Tax Map Key (2) 2-3- 005:002. [Testimonies]

2. Request Approval for Selection of Competitive Sealed Proposal process and Authorize the Chairperson to Award, Execute, Modify, and Extend a Contract(s) for the chipping, grinding and/or removal of hazardous fuels in Kōkeʻe Timber Management Area and Firebreak Maintenance within Pu‘u ka Pele Forest Reserve, Tax Map Keys: (4) 1-4-001:014; (4) 1-2-001:006; (4) 1-4- 001:002,Waimea District, County of Kaua‘I;


Request Approval of Declaration of Exemption from Chapter 343, HRS Environmental Compliance Requirements for the project.



1. Cancellation of Revocable Permit No. S-7498 (RPS-7498) to Kamanawa Foundation and Waiver of Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Required under RP S-7498; Issuance of Direct Lease to Kamanawa Foundation for Cultural and Educational Purposes; Lot 5 Hanapepe Rice and Kula Lots, Hanapepe, Waimea, Kauai, Tax Map Key: (4) 1-9-012:013.

2. Cancellation of Governor’s Executive Order No. 1781 to State of Hawaii, Department of Defense for Hawaii National Guard Site and Reset Aside to County of Hawaii for Recreational Programs and Expanded Community Use, Keaau, Puna, Hawaii; Tax Map Key: (3) 1-6-003:058.

3. Authorize the Issuance of Four Perpetual, Non-Exclusive Easements to the Department of Transportation, Highways Division (“DOT-Highways”), and an Immediate Construction Right-of-Entry Permit to DOT-Highways for Erosion Control Matting and Wire Mesh Paneling System and Slope Stabilization Purposes, Honomanu, Hana, Maui, Tax Map Key: (2) 1-1-001:021 (portion) and 044 (portions).

4. Issuance of Construction and Management Right-of-Entry Permit to Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation for Park and Ride Facility Purposes, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 9-1-017:097 (por.).



1. Request for Approval to Enter into a Memorandum of Agreement between Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources and Poseidon Fisheries Research for the Exchange and Use of Biological Samples and Fisheries Information.

2. Request for Approval to Outplant Coral Colony Modules grown at Anuenue Fisheries Research Center as part of established Agreement with Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, regarding mitigation for Corals from Kapalama Development Project onto Outplant Site located at the damage scar of the USN “Port Royal” grounding site off the Reef Runway, Honolulu, Hawaii.



1. Request Final Approval to Repeal Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) Chapter 13-251, Subchapter 1 Catamaran Captain, Canoe Captain, Canoe Second Captain, Surfboard Instructor, Sailboard Instructor and Commercial Motorboat Operator Permits, Subchapter2, Suspension or Revocation of Operator Permits, Subchapter 3, Violation of Operator Permit Provisions, and Subchapter 7 Special Operating Restrictions, to Remove All Certification Requirements regarding Catamaran Captain, Canoe Captain Canoe Second Captain, Surfboard Instructor, Sailboard Instructor and Commercial Motorboat Operator permits.

The Current Version of HAR Chapter 13-251 Can Be Reviewed Online At: Http://Ltgov.Hawaii.Gov/The-Office/Administrative-Rules.

The Current Version of HAR Chapter 13-251 Can Also Be Viewed Online At:




2. After-the-Fact Consent to Subleases under Harbor Lease No. H-82-4, GKM, Inc., Lessee, to Honokohau Food Service, Inc. dba Harbor House; The Kona Boat Club, Inc; The Charter Locker, Inc; Michael Akazawa dba Akazawa Painting and Litos Marine, L.L.C., Sublessees, Kealakehe, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, Tax Map Key: (3) 7-74-008:004.

3. Issuance of Revocable Permit to American Marine, Corp. for Storage of Roll- Off Containers for Marine Debris Disposal, Ke’ehi Lagoon, Moanalua, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaii, identified by Tax Map Key: (1) 1-2-025:114 (Portion);


Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

4. Issuance of Revocable Permits to Cordula Incorporated for Storage and Recreational purposes, Honokohau Small Boat Harbor, Kealakehe, North Kona, Hawaii, Tax Map key (3) 7-4-008:003 (Portion);


Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

5. Mutual Cancellation of Revocable Permit No. 87, to Na’a Lele Corp.; Issuance of Revocable Permit to Keahole Point Fish LLC for Storage and Recreational Purposes, Honokohau Small Boat Harbor, Kealakehe, North Kona;


Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.



1. Conservation District Use Application KA-3856 by the County of Kauai, Department of Public Works for the Aliomanu Road Repair and Revetment Project in Anahola, Kauai at Tax Map Key: (4) 4-8-018: 028 and 029, seaward.

2. Conservation District Use Application KA-3857 by the County of Kauai Department of Water for a 0.2 MG water storage tank at Wainiha, Kauai, Tax Map Key: (4) 5-8-007:003 and 007:007.

3. Proposed Time Extension of Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) MA-3663 for the Initiation and Completion of Project Construction for the Hololani Resort Condominiums Shoreline Erosion Control Project, by the Hololani Resort Condominiums, Located at 4001 Lower Honoapiilani Road, Lahaina, Maui: Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-10:009, seaward.



1. Issuance of a Revocable Permit for Aircraft Parking, Francis P. Stallings, Kalaeloa Airport, Tax Map Key: (1) 9-1-13: Portion of 32.

2. Issuance of Month-to-Month Permit to Matson Terminals, Inc., situated at Pier 6, Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, Oahu,


The Board may go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 92-5(a) (4), Hawaii Revised Statutes, in order to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities.


Public Testimony:   e-mail:

The Sunshine Law gives the public the opportunity to submit testimony, but it is your responsibility to submit written testimony in a timely manner, to give Board members sufficient time to consider written testimony, please submit the testimony no later than 24 hours prior to the Board Meeting.

Any late written testimony will be retained as a part of the record, but we cannot assure that Board members will receive it with sufficient time for review prior to decision-making.


Meeting materials are available for public review in advance of the meeting on our Website: