Land Board Submittals – 12/13/24
DATE: December 13, 2024
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
PLACE: DLNR Boardroom, Kalanimoku Bldg. 1151 Punchbowl St. 1st Floor Room 132/ & Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 828 4472 6058
This agenda and the listed submittals will be provided in the Board Packet. This meeting will be held using interactive conference technology under section 92-3.7, Haw. Rev. Stat. (HRS). Board members, staff, applicants, testifiers, and the public can choose to participate in person, online via Zoom, or by telephone. The public may also view the live meeting via its live stream at:
To Provide Written Testimony
We encourage interested persons to submit written testimony in advance of the meeting, which will be distributed to Board members prior to the meeting and allow a timely review. Please submit written testimony via email to: [email protected]. Written testimonies can also be mailed to: P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. Written testimonies may be posted upon the Board of Land and Natural Resources meeting website; as a precaution, please be mindful with any personal information prior to submitting unless you intend it to be shared. Late written testimony will be retained as part of the record and distributed to Board members as soon as practicable, but we cannot ensure the Board will receive it in sufficient time to review, prior to decision-making.
To Provide In-Person Oral Testimony (masks are highly encouraged)
Attend in-person at: 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132 (Kalanimoku Building), Honolulu, Hawaii.
To Provide Testimony by Telephone
On the day of the meeting at the start of the agenda item you wish to testify on, dial 1-719-359-4580 (Zoom); input the meeting ID: 828 4472 6058 and follow the prompts.
To Provide Video/Zoom Testimony
Please send your request in a timely manner to: [email protected] with your information, email address, and the agenda item you wish to testify on. Once your request has been received, you will receive a confirmation email with pertinent information. You may testify without signing up in advance.
We kindly ask that all oral/video testimony be limited to not more than two (2) minutes. We ask that you identify yourself and any affiliation before speaking, but you can choose not to do so.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact, BLNR Secretary, at 808.587.0404 or [email protected] as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible have a greater likelihood of being fulfilled. Upon request, this agenda and other materials are available in alternate/accessible formats.
The Board may go into Executive Session pursuant to section 92-5(a)(4), HRS, in order to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities.
In some of the matters before the Board, a person may wish to request a contested case hearing. If such a request is made before the Board’s decision, then the Board will consider the request first – before considering the merits of the item before it. A person who wants a contested case may also wait until the Board decides the issue, then request the contested case after the decision but before the close of the board meeting. It is up to you. Any request must also be made in writing within ten calendar days. If no request for contested case is made, the Board will make a decision. The Department will treat the decision as final and proceed accordingly.
NOTE: Agenda Items may be taken out of order.
1. Approval of November 8, 2024, Summary Meeting Minutes
1. Request for Delegation of Authority to the Chairperson to Negotiate, Approve, Execute, Amend, Extend, and Terminate Memorandums of Understanding, Memorandums of Agreement, Right-of-Entries, and Release of Liability Agreements between the Department of Land and Natural Resources and other entities to conduct Management and Monitoring of Natural Resources in cooperation with the Division of Forestry and Wildlife, consistent with the Department’s Chapter 343 Exemption List. [Testimony – 12/13]
Amend Land Office Deed No. S-28120, to allow the easement to “Run with the Land” and to be assignable without the prior written consent from the Board of Land and Natural Resources. [Testimony – 12/09]
Issuance of Immediate Management Right-of-Entry to HHSC for Hospital Purposes, Kapaʻa Kawaihau, Kauaʻi, Tax Map Key: (4) 4-6-014:112. [Testimony – 12/10, 12/12]
Non-Action Item: First Public Hearing on Potential Issuance of New Direct Lease to Aloha Petroleum LLC, for Bulk Storage and Distribution of Petroleum Products Purposes, Waiākea, Hilo, Hawai‘i, Tax Map Key: (3) 2-1-009:042.
6. A. Continuation of Revocable Permits for Water Use on the Island of Hawai`i.
See Exhibit A for list of Revocable Permits.
[Testimony – 12/13 Late – 12/15]7. Decision Making Regarding the Denial or Approval of a One-Year Holdover of General Lease No. S-5731, Kaheawa Wind Power, LLC, Lessee, Ukumehame, Lāhainā, Wailuku, Maui, identified as Tax Map Key: (2) 4-8-001: portion of 001. [Testimony – 12/09, 12/10, 12/11, 12/12]
Pursuant to Section 92-5(a) (4), Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS), the Board may go into Executive Session in order to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities and liabilities.
8. Amend Prior Board Approval of Item D-8, January 12, 2018: “Grant of Term, Non-Exclusive Easement to the Association of Apartment Owners of Hololani for Steel Sheet Pile Seawall and Rock Revetment Purposes; Issuance of Management Right of Entry; Kahana, Lāhainā, Maui, Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-010: Seaward of 009,” to approve a construction and management right of entry and revocable permit to the Association of Apartment Owners of Hololani for steel sheet seawall and revetment purposes. [Testimony – 12/09, 12/10, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13 Late – 12/13, 12/14, 12/15, 12/16]
9. Issuance of Revocable Permit to Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. and East Maui Irrigation Company, LLC for the Development, Diversion, and Use of Surface Water for Diversified Agriculture, Currently Existing Historical Industrial and Non-Agricultural Uses, Reservoir, Fire Protection, Hydroelectric, and County of Maui Department of Water Supply and Kula Agricultural Park Purposes on the Island of Maui; Tax Map Keys: (2) 1-1-001:044 and 050, 1-1-002:002 (por.), 1-2-004:005 & 007, 2-9-014:001, 005, 011, 012 & 017. [Testimony – 12/10, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13 Late – 12/13, 12/14]
Pursuant to Section 92-5(a) (4), Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS), the Board may go into Executive Session in order to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities and liabilities.
Pursuant to Section 92-5(a) (4), Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), the Board may go into Executive Session in order to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities and liabilities.
11. Issuance of Right-of-Entry Permit to Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, for Access for Coqui Frog Control and Reforestation Purposes; Waimanalo, Koolaupoko, Oahu, Tax Map Keys (1) 4-1-010:001 and 4-1-027:013. [Testimony – 12/12]
4. From CRAIG YESTER, Successor Trustee of the Martin A Yester Revocable Living Trust under that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement dated April 23,1992, as amended and restated, CRAIG YESTER, and DAVID YESTER, Assignors, to CRAIG YESTER, Successor Trustee of the Martin A Yester Revocable Living Trust under that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement dated April 23, 1992, as amended and restated, Assignee, as to Unit 401A as shown on Condominium Map No. 5555; and
5. From CRAIG YESTER, Successor Trustee of the Martin A Yester Revocable Living Trust under that certain unrecorded Trust Agreement dated April 23, 1992, as amended and restated, Assignors to CRAIG YESTER, Assignee.
B. Amend Grant of Non-Exclusive Easement No. S-5342 to Craig Yester, Assignee, by:
14. Issuance of Right-of-Entry Permit to Wrecking Leo Productions LLC at the Duke Kahanamoku Beach for Filming Purposes, Two (2) days during the Week of January 13-17, 2025; Waikīkī, Honolulu, Oʻahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 2-3-037: por.s of 021. [Testimony – 12/12]
Request for Declaration of Exemption from Chapter 343, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for the issuance of a Revocable Permit for the Management of the Banquet Hall and Ancillary Facilities, with an Option to Manage, Maintain and Operate the Grounds of Heʻeia State Park. [Testimony – 12/13]
[Testimony – 12/13]
The proposed amendments would:
The proposed rule amendments can be reviewed in person, by appointment only, at the Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) office on Oahu at 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 330, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except Holidays. To schedule an appointment to review the proposed rules in person, email [email protected] .
The proposed rules, including a statement on the topic of the proposed rules, can be reviewed online at:
The proposed rules can also be viewed online at: “
[Testimony – 12/12 Late – 12/13]