(HILO) – Today, was a typical Saturday for DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) reserve officer John Kahiapo. At a back-to-school keiki fishing tournament at Laupāhoehoe Point Beach Park on Hawai‘i Island he was in his element talking with young fishers about pono practices, answering their questions about life in the ocean, and spreading the messages of conservation and protection of natural resources.
(HONOLULU) – State lawmakers and DLNR leaders believe the 2021 legislative session was the most productive and effective for natural and cultural resources protection and support of any in recent decades.
(Kahului, Maui) – A statewide online public hearing will be held on proposed amendments of Hawai’i Administrative Rules (HAR) relating to the Kahului Harbor Fisheries Management Area (FMA) and rules regulating the take and possession of ‘oama on the island of Maui.
(HONOLULU) – Today, the Board of Land and Natural Resources by a three-to-three tie reached an impasse in a decision to accept or reject the Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement (RFEIS) submitted by seven aquarium fish collectors for the West Hawai‘i Regional Fishery Management Area (WHRFMA). The law provides a 30-day time-period in which the board must reach a decision.
(Kaua‘i) – Across the day, an occasional whoop and cheer went up along the banks of the Pu‘u Lua Reservoir at Kōkeʻe, when another fisher caught a rainbow trout. The annual trout fishing opening weekend was a bit different for a second year in a row, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(HONOLULU) – The establishment of a Hawai‘i Ocean Stewardship Special Fund will provide more consistent and reliable support for the conservation, protection, restoration, and management of Hawai‘i’s precious and endangered marine resources.
(HONOLULU) – Today, Gov. David Ige signed House Bill 1023 into law. It establishes and requires a marine recreational fishing license for all non-Hawai‘i residents. Visitors will need to purchase this license in order to fish from the shoreline or a boat in Hawaiian waters.
(HONLULU) – Nine bills passed by the Hawai‘i State Legislature this year were signed into law this afternoon by Gov. David Ige. “On this World Oceans Day, Hawai‘i again shows great leadership in grappling with the threats and challenges our precious marine environments face. I deeply appreciate the legislature’s support of these measures which collectively advance protection, management, and stewardship of ocean resources well into the future,” Gov. Ige said.
(HONOLULU) – Community members reported a man taking ‘opihi (limpets) from shoreline rocks within the Pūpūkea Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD). Friday afternoon, a DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources (DOCARE) officer cited 55-year-old Roland Ching for violating Hawai‘i Administrative Rules relating to prohibited activities within the MLCD. He has no local address.
(HONOLULU) – Four Waipahu men were cited Sunday night after officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) received multiple complaints from local fishermen and residents about a group of men laying net at Paiko Lagoon in east O ‘ahu’s Maunalua Bay.