
(Honolulu) – Recent heavy rain events have caused major flooding to many parts of the state and with that, debris is churned up and scattered. Staff from the DLNR Division of Aquatics Resources (DAR) are currently cleaning up Lake Wilson which has had tons of rubbish in its waters due to these rain events. If Lake Wilson is not cleaned up, it could impact fishing opportunities in the Lake, and the rubbish could end up in Kaiaka Bay and eventually the ocean.

(HONOLULU) – Today, the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) voted unanimously to fine two Hawai‘i island aquarium fishers $272,000 in civil fines for multiple violations of Hawai‘i Administrative Rules (HAR) related to an illegal aquarium fishing incident in Kona in 2020.  

 (HONOLULU) – Restoration of a widely-used boat ramp at Pohoiki Bay, in the Puna District of Hawai‘i island, blocked by new sand during the 2018 Puna lava eruption is estimated to take  between nine months and six or more years, and cost between $2.5 and $28 million, the State Land of Board and Natural Resources heard during a briefing today. 

 (HONOLULU) – Tyron and Kacie Terazono of Kealakekua have agreed to pay a large fine for the illegal harvest of aquarium fish, offshore of Kawaihae in Hawai‘i County, in February 2020.  Acting on tips, officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) conducted a commercial fishing gear and catch inspection of the couple’s boat, Masako, when it returned to the Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor on Feb. 20, 2020. The inspection found 550 live tropical fish, of ten species, in the vessel’s hold, along with aquarium fishing gear, including a small mesh net.  

(HONOLULU) – Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey Crabtree ruled today that all commercial aquarium fishing is completely banned in the State of Hawaiʻi, unless and until the aquarium fishing industry has completed the Chapter 343 environmental review process.  The ruling was made in response to a request by aquarium fishing opponents. 

(Honolulu) – The Waikīkī-Diamond Head Shoreline Fisheries Management Area (SFMA), O‘ahu, will be closed to fishing for one year, from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2021. The SFMA encompasses the nearshore waters between the ‘Ewa wall of the Waikīkī War Memorial Natatorium and the Diamond Head Lighthouse, from the high-water mark on shore to a minimum seaward distance of 500 yards, or to the edge of the fringing reef if one occurs beyond 500 yards. The area is closed to fishing during odd-numbered years.

(Kahului, Maui) – After receiving an anonymous tip a pair of officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) cited a 37-year-old Kahului resident on suspicion of selling undersized ahi. The species is one of the most popular food fish in Hawai‘i. 

(Honolulu) – The DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) is releasing Holomua: Marine 30x30, a place-based approach to enhance nearshore fisheries and improve fishing opportunities. This is DAR’s nearshore strategic plan to restore marine resources that support traditional Hawaiian practices, the island economy, and the livelihoods of many residents. The Roadmap to Holomua: Marine 30x30 outlines programs and activities by DAR and its partners to achieve effective management of nearshore waters with at least 30% established as marine management areas by 2030. 

(HONOLULU) – After being struck by a vessel and stranding at Māhāʻulepū, Gillins beach on Kauai, sea turtle stranding responders knew the prognosis was poor for this large (150 lb) green sea turtle. The animal was rescued from the beach and transported to O‘ahu to be examined by a qualified sea turtle veterinarian that works with NOAA. There was hope that there might be a chance the turtle could survive its injuries and receive the necessary treatment and rehabilitation to be returned to the ocean.  

 (HONOLULU) – The Department of Land and Natural Resources is taking immediate steps to comply with a new order issued late Friday from the First Circuit Court, requiring Chapter 343 environmental review for issuance of new or renewed annual commercial marine licenses (CMLs) to be used for aquarium fishing purposes under HRS 189-2.