Forestry & Wildlife

(HONOLULU) – The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announces the opening of the 2023-2024 Game Bird Hunting Season on Saturday, November 4, 2023. The fall game bird hunting season will run through Sunday, January 28, 2024. A valid hunting license and a game bird stamp are required for all game bird hunting on public and private lands.

(HONOLULU) – The DLNR Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL) is notifying 15 landowners in the Marconi Point area of Kahuku on O‘ahu’s north shore, of potential violations involving unauthorized clearing of land, tree removal, and spreading of mulch in a state Conservation District. 

(LYDGATE PARK, KAUA'I)  A trio of endangered Newell’s Shearwaters, or ‘a‘o was blessed and released this morning from Lydgate Park on Kauaʻi by a group of 40 Island School students and the Kaua‘i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project (KESRP). The practice has become an annual rite of passage, both for students and for the seabirds, rehabilitated by KESRP.

HONOLULU — The Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are one step closer to protecting forest birds from mosquito-borne diseases in key high-elevation native forest bird habitat on Kauaʻi, with their proposal to employ Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT) to reduce mosquito populations. A jointly prepared Environmental Assessment (EA) has been finalized and issuance of a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) at the state and federal levels.

(LĀHAINĀ, MAUI) - For three days, Jake Kane watched piles of mulch smolder and smoke after it ignited in the August 8 wildfire. The mulch was used in his work as owner of Kane’s Legacy Tree Services. Days after the fire that devastated Lāhainā, Maui County firefighters were still pouring thousands of gallons on the stubborn, burning layers of mulch.

(HONOLULU) – A trio of divisions under the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources are set to begin a three-month-long pilot project which allows state conservation enforcement resource officers to issue tickets and/or fines on the spot for violations of rules.

(HONOLULU) – The Moloka‘i community came together to clean-up Pāpōhaku Beach, after a boat, grounded on the reef, broke apart in heavy surf and littered the shoreline with debris. DLNR Deputy Director Laura Kaakua said the actions of local residents, who cleaned most of the vessel’s debris off the beach, made a big difference. “This was a good example of a community and government coming together. DLNR extends our heartfelt appreciation to the Maunaloa community for their care of Pāpōhaku,” Kaakua said.

(WAIHOU SPRING FOREST RESERVE, MAUI) – Two days shy of the two-month anniversary of the start of the 1,000-acre Olinda Fire, daily fire patrols continue. Firefighters from the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) continue checking for hot spots and smokers. 

(HONOLULU) – October is “Stop the Ant Month” in Hawaiʻi and a multi-agency effort throughout the month will encourage residents to collect and submit ants from their properties to help detect and control the spread of invasive little fire ants (LFA) and other harmful pest ants that may be new to the state.

(KAHULUI) — A unique plant first seen in the high forests of West Maui in 2020 has now been officially recognized as a new Hawaiian species. The plant, now named Clermontia hanaulaensis, was found during routine surveys by botanist Hank Oppenheimer of the Plant Extinction Prevention Program (PEPP), a partnership with DLNR and the University of Hawai‘i.