
In 2012 a series of wildfires burned across state lands, including Forest Reserves and Natural Area Reserves on Kauai. These fires scorched more than 3000 acres of land and represent ...

Kīholo State Park Master Plan

Posted on Apr 7, 2014 in slider

Get your copy of Kīholo State Park Final Master Plan and Final Environmental Assessment!   Land board submittal: 04/11/14 Approval of the Kīholo State Park Master Plan, Acceptance of the ...
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HONOLULU -- The Hawaii Heritage Center, in cooperation with the State Historic Preservation Division within the Department of Land and Natural Resources, has been producing an historic sites calendar since 1984. Their 2014 calendar, titled the “Working Hands of the Makaainana,” addresses the theme of Hawaiian technology and innovation. The beautiful calendar was designed by Viki Nasu Design Group, with Ric Noyle providing magnificent photographs of island scenes rarely viewed by much of the public.

Japan Tsunami Marine Debris

Posted on Jan 28, 2013 in slider

NEWS RELEASE  Published 10/12/12 What to do if you see debris in Hawai‘i’s ocean or beaches – GENERAL GUIDANCE – Marine debris with living organisms View Here (Updated: April 2013)

The Department of Land and Natural Resources, headed by an executive Board of Land and Natural Resources, is responsible for managing, administering, and exercising control over public lands, water resources, ocean waters, navigable ...
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Photo of Cabin at Waimanu camp site

Camping Permits

Posted on Dec 27, 2012 in slider

Make your reservations now!   Camping in Hawaii’s Forest Reserves is usually in remote, mountainous locations, providing a wilderness experience and often privacy. Campsites are for those who enjoy “roughing ...
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