News Releases

HONOLULU – The imaginative visions of middle school students reveal their insights on the environment in Hawai‘i today, and their dreams for tomorrow. Twenty-five Hawaiʻi middle school students were selected as top winners for their poems and short stories on May 13 in the annual “My Hawai‘i” environmental writing contest for students in grades 6, 7 and 8, sponsored by the Pacific Writers’ Connection (PWC), the Hawai‘i Conservation Alliance and multiple Hawaiʻi conservation agencies and organizations.

HILO - Anyone who may have witnessed or have knowledge of rocks being placed on the Mauna Kea Access Road, late afternoon, on May 16, 2016, is asked to contact the DLNR

HONOLULU -- A fish with a lot of “fingers” will be hands-off starting June 1. The season for moi, or Pacific threadfin, will be closed from June through August in Hawaii waters.

LIHU‘E, KAUA‘I -- The state is continuing its efforts to restore the Pu‘u Ka Pele Forest Reserve on Kaua‘i and the newly out-planted koa trees within the previously burned and logged area, by carrying out an animal control hunt within a designated portion of the forest reserve. This animal control will begin on June 6, 2016 and extend to the end of December 2016.

LIHUE, KAUAI -- On Sunday May 22 and continuing today, State wildlife officials on Kauai are responding to the discovery of 34 dead Wedge-tailed shearwaters in the seabird colony at Spouting Horn, Lawai area on the south coast. Most of the kills were found near the parking lot end of Lawai road.

(HONOLULU) - They use technology like radar, acoustic monitoring devices and lasers. They reach into cliff-top burrows to monitor breeding birds and they partner with other organizations to protect the birds from introduced predators like feral cats that attack them. They exemplify partnership by forging relationships with numerous organizations, working together to save endangered seabirds on Kauai from extinction. For their efforts, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recognized the Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project (KESRP) with its 2015 Endangered Species Recovery Champions Award.

(LIHUE, KAUAI) – When Kawika Smith was a boy, his father would take him trekking through the mud and bogs of the Alakai Plateau. Now as the Kauai supervisor for the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife’s Na Ala Hele Trail Access program, Smith is overseeing the replacement of nearly three-miles of 20-year-old boardwalk that carries hikers above the mud and water. Joined by every Na Ala Hele program staff member from around the state, this is a monumental undertaking.

(HONOLULU) – A spike in shark bites off Maui in 2012 and 2013 prompted the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), with additional support and funding from the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), to commission a two-year-long study of shark spatial behavior on Maui. The research was conducted by a team from the University of Hawaii’s Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB).

HONOLULU – People with mobility disabilities will again be able to join tours at the ʻIolani Palace State Monument. A new custom inclined platform lift will replace an old lift that has been inoperable. The new lift is designed for larger carrying capacity, a higher number of trips each day, and improved reliability through a routine maintenance program.

(HONOLULU) – Government and non-government organizations from across the state today, announced a collaborative effort to raise awareness about the threat of wildfire and drought to Hawaii’s natural resources and to private and public property. Wildfire & Drought Look Out!, is a continuing campaign to keep people across the state informed of current fire and drought conditions, provide tips on protecting life and property from wildfire, and to provide information and education on how to deal with prolonged drought.