(Wailuku, Maui) – Interested people are invited to an informational meeting on the initial phases of the Iao Valley State Monument flood repair project by the DLNR Division of State Parks.
State Parks
The Kalalau trail will be closed to day-hikers on Thursday, January 19, for a rockfall mitigation project (weather permitting). The project site is located between Hāʻena and Hanakāpīʻai stream. Overnight hiker/campers with a valid camping permit will be allowed access on the trail with intermittent pedestrian controls at the work site. They may experience short delays. Day-hikers will not be permitted on the trail during this period. The closure notice is also posted on the State Parks website at https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/
(Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline, O‘ahu) – Beginning nearly two hours before the first sunrise of the New Year, hundreds of hikers of all ages, made the one-mile ascent to the Makapu‘u Lookout in the Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline, a unit of the DLNR Division of State Parks.
(Wailuku, Maui) - When a slow moving thunderstorm dropped an enormous amount of rain on Maui Sept. 13-14, the Wailuku River and several of its tributaries escaped their banks and not only significantly widened the river bed, but caused hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage in ‘Iao Valley State Monument. The popular and iconic Monument, part of the DLNR Division of State Parks system, has been closed since what is considered a 100-year flood event.
WAILUKU, MAUI -- 'Iao Valley State Monument, Maui, will remain closed indefinitely due to extensive damage from heavy rain and flooding the night of September 13 and early morning on September 14, 2016. Notice of the park closure is posted at https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/
HONOLULU -- Due to anticipated storm-generated wave heights of up to 15 feet (Hawaiian) which equals a 30 foot wave face on the east-facing shores of O‘ahu, the Division of State Parks is temporarily closing the unimproved foot path that leads down to the popular Makapu‘u tide pools at Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline.
(Honolulu) – Maintaining and caring for (to malama) a remote wilderness park is a daunting, expensive, and labor-intensive task. When the leadership of the Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) elected this year to put renewed emphasis on the spectacular Napali Coast State Wilderness Park on Kaua’i, they knew that many years of unpermitted activity, an often-times unforgiving environment and unprepared or unwary visitors would continue to create a special set of challenges and opportunities.
HONOLULU – The major walkway along the coastline of Wai‘anapanapa State Park will be replaced beginning on September 6. The Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks will be phasing the project over the next 6 months to avoid a complete closure of the walkway. However, the construction of the new 4-foot wide concrete walkway will disrupt access along portions of the path over several months. The current walkway provides access to the scenic lookouts along the coastline and to Pailoa Bay, the popular black sand beach. Pailoa Beach will be closed for approximately 2 weeks, probably in October, for the construction of a new concrete pathway with steps. The campgrounds, picnic tables, and restrooms will remain accessible but may require alternate routes during construction. Roadways and parking areas may be temporarily impacted by the construction activities.
HONOLULU -- The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife is notifying the public that vehicle access to Kuaokala and Peacock Flats has been restored. The closure was due to heightened security levels at military access points (i.e. Ka‘ena Point Satellite Tracking Station).
WAHIAWA, O‘AHU – The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of State Parks tomorrow will reopen the Wahiawa Freshwater State Recreation Area, on Walker Avenue, following completion of repaved, restriped, and other improvements of roadway and parking areas in the park made for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. The restroom renovation is nearly complete but portable toilets are available for the time being.