State Parks

(Kailua-Kona) - “It is very sad to see this damage,” DLNR Division of State Parks (DSP) Archeologist, Tracy Tam Sing said after seeing a historic door and window at Hulihe‘e Palace vandalized last month. On June 1, 27-year-old Charleigh Flournoy of Kailua-Kona, allegedly broke into the historic palace by shattering a lanai window located on the lower makai side.

(Hāpuna Beach State Recreation Area, Hawai‘i Island) – The designation of Hāpuna Beach as the top-rated beach in the U.S., by Stephen Leatherman (aka Dr. Beach), highlights the continuing paradox of protecting the features that make it #1 while sharing it with ever-increasing throngs of visitors. This was Dr. Beach’s 30th annual ranking of best beaches. 

(HONOLULU) – The upcoming holiday weekend could see the largest post-pandemic number of locals and visitors using state parks, trails, and taking to the water. Numerous DLNR divisions, responsible for management of public facilities and locales, are gearing up for big crowds in popular parks and on heavily used trails and recreating on beaches and in the ocean.

(KAILUA-KONA) – Two, half-day closures on May 28 and 29 at Waialea Bay Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD), will allow corals to spawn and produce new keiki.  The beach at Waialea is known locally as Beach 69 and the 35-acre bay is one of eleven MLCDs in Hawai‘i, which enjoy the highest level of protection for their invaluable marine resources. 

(HONOLULU) – Friday evening, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation(HHF) presented its 47th Annual Preservation Honor Awards during a virtual ceremony. Two programs/projects of the DLNR Division of State Parks and one DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) project were recognized.

(HONOLULU) – Officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) regularly patrol Sacred Falls State Park, though each Mother’s Day for the last 22-years, their efforts take on extra importance and meaning. 

(HONOLULU) – Entrance gates to the parking areas at the Keawa‘ula sections of Ka‘ena Point State Park on O‘ahu reopen this weekend, after being closed for more than a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the result of state and county emergency orders/rules aimed at limiting group sizes and ensuring social distancing. 

(Honolulu) – Beginning on Tuesday May 4th for three consecutive days from 7:00am to 11:00am the entire Makapuʻu Lighthouse trail and parking areas at the Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline will be closed for maintenance. Barricades and signs will be placed at the park entrance alerting park users not to enter. This closure is to protect people from flying debris during the maintenance process for the safety of park users.

(Honolulu) – A seven-month-long sewer improvement project begins next Monday at the Sand Island State Recreation Area (SRA). Phase two of this project includes a new pump station, comfort station sewer lines, force main to the Sand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant (SIWWTP) and connecting sewer lines.

 (HONOLULU) – More than 30 camps on both sides of Diamond Head are being cleaned-up this week. The clean-up at Diamond Head is part of a larger statewide coordinated effort to manage threats to natural and cultural resources on State lands and parks under DLNR jurisdiction.