
(HONOLULU) – If you go back and listen to the sound of a small wildfire just last week, you hear how tinder dry the forest is. Snap, crackle, pop. If you listen to radio and television announcements, we’re all being asked to conserve water. The link between drought conditions and wildfire in Hawai‘i is already in full play and conditions this summer are expected to worsen.

(Waialea Bay Marine Life Conservation District) – Conditions to see coral spawning on Tuesday, were near perfect at this Hawai‘i Island, bay. Aquatic biologist Chris Teague, with the DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), begins watching for spawning just after dawn. 

(Pololū Valley, Hawai‘i Island) – “Everyone is recognizing the overuse of Pololū and the community wanting to do something about it,” begins Jackson Bauer.

(HONOLULU) – Significant federal dollars are headed to Hawai‘i to help address the extinction crisis facing at least four species of native Hawaiian birds. An unprecedented $14 million for Hawai‘i ecosystem restoration is included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, described as a major investment in the conservation and stewardship of America’s public lands.

(HONOLULU) – The Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) has approved an extension, requested by the owners of the Wahiawa Dam on O‘ahu, to design and implement improvements to the dam’s spillway and embankment structure.

(HONOLULU) – An estimated 40% of the people who showed up at Diamond Head State Monument early this morning did not have reservations. Today, is the first of a new “adaptive management” plan to improve visitor experiences at one of O‘ahu’s most popular natural attractions.

(HONOLULU) – How do forests in Hawaiʻi inspire you? This was the question answered by dozens of students across the state who submitted entries in the ʻŌlelo Youth Xchange video competition under the category “Forest Inspired.”

(HONOLULU) -- Derelict and discarded fishing nets and other marine debris are hazardous to marine life and have entangled, and in some cases killed, many of marine endangered species in Hawai‘i such as whales, monk seals and sea turtles.

(Honolulu) – Winners of the 2022-2023 Hawai‘i Wildlife Conservation and Game Bird Stamp Art Contest were announced this week by the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW). DOFAW would like to thank all the wildlife artists that submitted entries for this year’s contest. A committee reviewed all submissions, and two winners were chosen

(Kīlauea, Kaua‘i) – Seabirds nesting on three-acre Moku‘ae‘ae Island, just off Kīlauea Point, have one of the best views of natural and manmade features in Hawai‘i. The iconic Kīlauea Point Lighthouse is in full-view atop the rugged cliffs, often inhabited by thousands of seabirds.