
(Honolulu) – While organizers always hope for more people to participate, experience has shown that the first meeting of community members, experts, and researchers, to discuss wildfire, always leads to good things.  

(HONOLULU)–Hidden behind a thick barrier of kiawe trees, on beaches facing the airport, dozens of homeless people set up their tents and hand-fashioned homes. They are doing this on state-owned land at the Sand Island State Recreation Area SRA). Scattered across the beach and near the trees are personal belongings, the frames, wheels and components of many bicycles, mopeds, cooking & eating utensils, bottles and cans…pretty much everything one would associate with living off the land. 

(Honolulu) - Although 2020 has no doubt been a challenging year, the Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program (part of the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife) and their partners are committed to continue the state’s annual tradition of planting and giving away trees in their 115th year celebrating Arbor Day Hawaiʻi.

(HONOLULU) – Closed, since nearly the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the Nuʻuanu Pali State Wayside on O‘ahu, reopens on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. The DLNR Division of State Parks had the park and scenic lookout closed due to crowding concerns (lack of physical distancing) and budgetary constraints. 

(Honolulu) – Sea urchins and some fish species are critical for helping protect and restore Hawai‘i’s coral reefs which are facing serious threats due to warming oceans and coral bleaching. The DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) is holding a series of virtual scoping meetings to compile input on increasing the management of key herbivores.  

(LIHU'E) – The annual E Ho‘opomaika‘i ‘ia na Manu ‘A‘o (A Cultural Release of the Native Newell’s Shearwater) event was not slowed down by the Covid-19 crisis this year. Instead of having school children attending, the ceremony was filmed instead so that a wider audience could view it virtually.

(Honolulu) – The ocean provides resources for both ourselves and the native wildlife that live within it. The DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) have concerns about a recent increase in harmful interactions between fishers and Hawaiian monk seals. For example, thus far this year, 24 monk seal hookings have been reported on O’ahu - a substantial increase compared to recent years.

(Honolulu) - The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announces the opening of the 2020-2021 Game Bird Hunting Season on Saturday, November 7, 2020. The fall game bird hunting season will run through Sunday, January 31, 2021.  To comply with federal mandates, including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and to meet current state regulations, the last day for hunting mourning dove will be January 17, 2021. A valid hunting license and a game bird stamp are required for all game bird hunting on public and private lands.

(Honolulu) - Imagine a Day Without Water (Oct. 21) is a day to pause and reflect on the many ways that water and water systems impact our lives and communities, and to commit to ensuring a sustainable water future for generations to come.  This year, our country faced an enormous public health crisis from the coronavirus pandemic. This crisis demonstrated the critical role that water, and wastewater systems play in our communities, protecting public health, safeguarding the environment, and making a healthy economy possible.

(Kahului, Maui) – An anonymous donor is providing more than $1 million in funding to the Na Ala Hele Trails and Access Program on Maui. Most of the funding will support the planning, design, and construction of hiking trails in the recently acquired Kamehamenui Forest in upcountry Maui.