FY23 Funded Projects

Since its inception in 2003, the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC) has disbursed funding to support interagency invasive species projects that fill gaps between agency mandates or existing agency programs, and/or advance our collective knowledge through research and development of new tools. Funds are disbursed via an intra-governmental granting process wherein state, county, and federal offices may submit requests for funding and meet to collaboratively draft a recommended budget for HISC review.

For Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23), the legislature appropriated $5,750,000 general, recurring funds to the HISC and an additional $1,500,000 non-recurring with a stipulation that $500,000 be dedicated to invasive ant work through the Hawaii Ant Lab. The total appropriation was subject to a 20% that carried over from FY22, a 10% expenditure restriction by the Department of Budget and Finance. The appropriation is also subject to fees or overhead from the Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) at the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) as the administrative host of the HISC. This amounts equates to $2,348,828. The amount of funding required for one year of core programs that the Council funds on an annual basis is $630,597.72. The remaining balance of $3,830,870.37 is available for interagency project grants.

Requests received for FY23 totaled $8,246,824.55 across 37 applications. A total of 30 projects were funded for FY23.

You can review the reporting guidelines for HISC Funding HERE.

Programmatic Awards:

Application Title Program Awarded Amount

Big Island Invasive Species Committee

Final Reports: Outreach, Widespread Pests, Control/Detection

UH PCSU $809,502

Kauaʻi Invasive Species Committee

Final Report

UH PCSU $ 659,677

Maui/Molokai Invasive Species Committee

Final Report

UH PCSU  $825,000

Oʻahu Invasive Species Committee

Final Report

UH PCSU $715,000

Project Awards:

Application Title


 Awarded Amount

Invasion ecology of Arcte coerula (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a New Pest of Māmaki and other nettles in Hawaiʻi.

Final Report


 $            16,726.93

Development of mongoose control technology: refining the Goodnature A18 mongoose trap

Final Report

DLNR – Division of Forestry and Wildlife

 $            25,000.00

Natural enemies for biocontrol of albizia

Final Report

USDA Forest Service

 $          102,910.00

Acoustic early detection of coqui using low-cost audio devices

Final Report


 $            12,502.64

Biocontrol of invasive Rubus

Final Report

USDA Forest Service

 $            37,657.28

Biocontrol of melastomes and other high priority invasive plants

Final Report

USDA Forest Service

 $            61,032.63

How do harbors jumpstart algal invasions?

Final Report

UH Life Sciences

 $            30,244.64

Detection and Management Strategies for the Control of Prosapia bicincta (Twolined Spittlebug) in Hawaii

Final Report


 $          167,700.24

Tibouchina Control and Albizia Outreach in the Koʻolau Mountains

Final Report

UH PCSU – Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership

 $            95,726

Island Wide Survey and Development of a Rapid Assessment Protocol of Invasive Macroalgae on Oʻahu

Final Report

UH Life Sciences

 $            10,015.89

Outreach and Extension for Rapid Ohia Death

Final Report


 $            23,075.00

Outcross and maintain incompatible Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes

DLNR – Division of Forestry and Wildlife

 $            48,755.00

Expansion of management and techniques for species of highly invasive genus Avrainvillea

Final Report

UH Life Sciences

 $            44,158.56

Hawaii Ballast Water and Biofouling

Final Report

DLNR – Division of Aquatic Resources

 $            78,000.00

CGAPS–Filling the Gaps

2023 Annual Report

UH PCSU – Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species

 $            49,705.45


 $          821,691.18