Hawaii Legislature 2023 Invasive Species Bill Tracking

Posted on Feb 13, 2023 in News, slider

2023 Hawaiʻi Legislative Session Update

The 2023 legislative session is underway and we are following a number of invasive species related bills as they move through the committees. You can follow along on the HISC Invasive Species Bill Tracking webpage for the full list.

HISC coordinated an Invasive Species Info Briefing on January 26th to the Senate Committees on Agriculture and Environment and Water & Land and the House Committees on Energy and the Environment and Agriculture & Food Systems. You can check out the full recording and presentations HERE.

Here are a few highlights from the proposed bills this session:

HB1150 & SB1552 – “RELATING TO INVASIVE SPECIES” This bill appropriates funds for the Hawaiʻi Ant Lab for FY 23 and FY24.

HB1149 & SB1553 – “RELATING TO THE COCONUT RHINOCEROS BEETLE PROGRAM” These bills seek $720,000 funding for the CRB Response for FY23 and FY24.

HB755 & SB468 – “RELATING TO AQUATIC NUISANCE SPECIES” Authorizes the DLNR to adopt rules to prevent and respond to the introduction of aquatic nuisance species from discharges and reflect the relationship between the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act of 2018, as amended, and state law.