HISC Approves Funding for FY16 Interagency Projects

Posted on Sep 8, 2015 in Funding, News, slider

At a meeting of the Hawaii Invasive Species Council on July 29, 2015, the HISC approved an interagency spending plan totaling $4.75M for state fiscal year 2016, supporting 35 projects that will help fill gaps between and expand beyond the state’s existing civil service programs that address invasive species concerns.

The budget was a difficult one to approve, as HISC funding decreased from $5.75M in FY15 to $4.75M in FY16, with an additional restriction of 10% on spending ($475,000) by the Department of Budget and Finance. Of the remaining funds, 5% was provided as overhead to the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife as the administrative host of the HISC, and $183,294 was used to provide temporary staffing and programmatic support to the HISC. The 35 projects listed below received funding for fiscal year 2016. An additional 25 projects were proposed, but did not receive funding. Requests to the HISC for project funding totaled $10M. Full details of funded projects can be found on our FY16 projects page. Future progress reports and data will be posted on this page as well.

Dept Entity Abbreviated Title Award
DLNR DAR Aquatics Outreach $3,625
DLNR DAR Aquatics Expansion $8,586
DLNR DAR Ballast Water & Hull Fouling $73,645
DLNR DOFAW O‘ahu NARS Weed Control $15,015
DLNR DOFAW Moloka‘i Ginger Eradication $31,802
DLNR DOFAW O‘ahu Guava Biocontrol $46,989
DLNR KIRC Kaho‘olawe Biosecurity Plan $49,066
HDOA PPC Support for Rhino Beetle Response $445,882
HI County DRD HI County LFA Control $90,862
UH CGAPS CGAPS Core $47,000
UH CTAHR Naio Thrips Research $8,920
UH CTAHR Miconia Balistic Control $117,212
UH HAL LFA Research $51,848
UH HAL Ant Lab Core Support $177,181
UH HBIN Online Info Services Core $50,045
UH HPWRA Weed Risk Assessment $78,688
UH ISC-BIISC Big Island Outreach $61,646
UH ISC-BIISC BI & Maui Axis Deer Coordination $86,041
UH ISC-BIISC BIISC Early Detection Program $103,082
UH ISC-BIISC Albizia Control $142,653
UH ISC-BIISC BIISC Detection & Control $361,602
UH ISC-KISC Kōke‘e Weed Control $21,649
UH ISC-KISC KISC Mongoose $24,987
UH ISC-KISC Kaua‘i Outreach $58,152
UH ISC-KISC KISC Detection & Control $282,808
UH ISC-MISC Maui Nui Outreach $73,598
UH ISC-MISC MISC Detection & Control $504,339
UH ISC-OISC O‘ahu Tibouchina $28,431
UH ISC-OISC O‘ahu Outreach $86,050
UH ISC-OISC OISC Detection & Control $528,506
UH WP-KMWP Ko‘olau Goat Eradication $34,414
UH WP-WMMWP West Maui Fern Control $29,931
UH WP-WMWP Waianae Outreach $4,543
USDA USFS Melastome Biocontrol $50,156
USDA USFS ‘Ohi‘a Death Research $99,000


Departments: DLNR=Dept of Land and Natural Resources; UH= University of Hawaii; USDA= US Dept of Agriculture; HDOA= Hawaii Dept of Agriculture

Entities: MISC= Maui Invasive Species Committee; BIISC= Big Island Invasive Species Committee; OISC= O‘ahu Invasive Species Committee; PPC= Plant Pest Control Branch; KIRC= Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission; HPWRA= Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment; WMMWP= West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership; HAL= Hawaii Ant Lab; DOFAW= Division of Forestry and Wildlife; HBIN= Hawaii Biodiversity Information Network; CGAPS= Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species; KISC= Kaua‘i Invasive Species Committee; CTAHR= College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources; KMWP= Ko‘olau Mountains Watershed Partnership; USFS= US Forest Service; DAR= Division of Aquatic Resources; DRD= Dept of Research & Development