Brown Bag #15: Public Attitudes & Awareness of Invasive Species

Posted on Jan 26, 2018 in brownbag, slider

HISC Brown Bag Presentation #15

Title: Fifteen Years Tracking Public Awareness and Attitudes Towards Invasive Species

Presenter: Christy Martin, Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species, UH PCSU

Date: January 18, 2018

Summary: Do people know what the term “invasive species” means? Do they consider it a problem in Hawaii? Christy Martin, of the Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species (UH Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit), has compiled data from 15 years of public surveys on Hawaii residents’ knowledge and attitudes toward invasive species issues. While public awareness of the issue is generally high, familiarity with term “invasive species” and knowledge of specific threats like miconia and brown tree snake appear to be declining in recent years.

hisc-brown-bag-subtitleThe HISC Brown Bag Series is an ongoing set of informal lunchtime presentations to facilitate information sharing among partners and stakeholders. Presentations are are announced via the HISC email list and remote access is provided by WebEx. View other presentations in the HISC Brown Bag series at