Posted on Mar 17, 2020 in Alert, Aquatic Resources, Boating, BOC, Closure: Campling, Closure: Trail, Commission On Water Resource Management, Commission On Water Resources Management, DOCARE, Engineering, Forestry & Wildlife, Hunter Ed, Invasive Species, Land, Main, Media, Natural Area Reserves, News Releases, OCCL, State Historic Preservation Division, State Parks, Trail, TrailsDEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES
News Release
Diamond Head State Monument Among Closed Parks
(Honolulu) – Out of an abundance of caution and to facilitate social distancing recommendations, DLNR and its divisions are announcing the following closures to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19. DLNR Chair Suzanne Case said, “We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during this time of major inconvenience. We intend to reopen parks and facilities as soon as the novel coronavirus is no longer a threat. These steps are being taken to protect all visitors and constituents, as well as our staff, while maintaining a high level of service.”
Closures are listed alphabetically by division or office and will be updated as necessary:
Bureau of Conveyances (BOC) – (808) 587-0147
- The public reference room #123 in the Kalanimoku State Office Building will be closed starting Wed, 3/18/20 until further notice. Most, but not all, research normally done in this facility can be accomplished online: https://boc.ehawaii.gov/docsearch/search.html
- The BOC recording office room #120 in the Kalanimoku State Office Building is continuing to conduct document recording. Electronic or mail-in recordings are strongly recommended: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/boc/e-recording/ or Bureau of Conveyances, P.O. Box 2867, Honolulu, HI 96803.
Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM) – (808) 587-0214
- The CWRM office, room 227, in the Kalanimoku State Office Building is closed to in-person access.
- All permit applications accepted by mail or electronic transmission: dlnr.cwrm@hawaii.gov
- CWRM is not currently accepting hand-delivered applications.
Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) – (808) 587-0100
- All DAR offices across the state are closed until further notice. Any DAR-issued license, permit, or registry that was valid as of March 17, 2020 will continue to be honored as valid until further notice. People may apply online for new licenses, permits, and registrations, but the actual license, permit, and registration documents will not be mailed until the DAR office reopens.
Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) – (808) 587-1966 https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dobor/
- All DOBOR District and Harbor offices are closed to in-person access.
- All public restrooms facilities within harbors are closed.
- All existing and new Marine Event Permits involving more than 50 people are being cancelled.
- Payments for slips, revocable permits & leases, vessel registrations & transfers should be submitted online or via mail: vessel.ehawaii.gov or DOBOR, 4 Sand Island Access Road, Honolulu, HI 96819
Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) – (808) 587-0066
- All DOCARE offices statewide closed to in-person access. Anyone needing in-person services such as evidence releases or report copies should call DOCARE to make arrangements.
- All in-person State Hunter Education classes are suspended. On-line courses continue, but in-person testing requirements are suspended. Replacement hunter education cards can be processed online. Hunter Education offices in Honolulu and Waimea are closed to in-person access.
- DOCARE officers will be patrolling all closed facilities and enforcing these closures. Anyone caught in a closed area is subject to law enforcement actions including the possibility of citations and/or arrest.
- Please report suspected resource violations to 643-DLNR (3567) or via the free DLNRTip app.
Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) – (808) 587-0166
- DOFAW announces a 30-day pause for deer hunting season in the Lānaʻi Game Management Area. Permits and reservations for deer hunts for March 21st, 22nd,28th, 29th and April 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th have been cancelled. Efforts are underway to notify hunters impacted by this cancellation.
- Hawai ‘i island’s hunting tag requirements will be waived for the Spring Turkey and the Puuanhulu Archery season.
- At this time, there are no additional closures of State Forest Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries, other Game Management Areas, Natural Area Reserves, or trails in the Nā Ala Hele Trails & Access Program. (Please note: Mānoa Falls and ‘Aihualama trails are currently closed due to unsafe and slippery conditions).
- No new permits for Hawai‘i Island’s Waimanu campsites, Keanakolu cabins and Ainapo cabin will be issued. All existing permits are suspended and full refunds will be issued.
- There are no restrictions on otherwise permitted activities, including public access, hunting and recreation.
- All DOFAW offices statewide are closed to in-person access.
- Hunting licenses are available at: https://hunting.ehawaii.gov
- Camping permits are available at: https://camping.ehawaii.gov
- Collection permits are available upon request at: dlnr.fw.oahubranch@hawaii.gov
- Hiking permits for Lulumahu and Kuaokala trails are available at: https://trails.ehawaii.gov/camping/all,e-search.html#.
- Poamoho hiking permits are available at: https://hawaiitrails.hawaii.gov/trails/#/trail/poamoho-trail–poamoho-hele-loa-access-on-line-permit/175
DLNR Main Office (Chair’s Office) – (808) 587-0400
- Offices at 1151 Punchbowl Street, in the Kalanimoku State Office Building have limited in-person access.
- Please call the number above or contact DLNR at dlnr@hawaii.gov
Engineering Division – (808) 587-0230
- Engineering Division Office, Room 221, in the Kalanimoku State Office Building are closed to in-person access, except for deliveries and mail drop off/pick-up.
- E-mail inquiries to dlnr.engr@hawaii.gov
Administrative Services Office (Fiscal Office) – (808) 587-0344
- The office at 1151 Punchbowl Street, in the Kalanimoku State Office Building, is not accepting walk-in payments. Payments can be mailed to P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809-0621.
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPD) – (808) 692-8015
- SHPD Offices are closed to in-person access.
- Communications, including formal project submittals must be sent electronically.
- The SHPD Librarian and GIS Specialist will respond to requests for digital library and archival materials, and GIS data on a first-come, first-served basis.
- To report the inadvertent discovery of a burial site, please call the number above.
Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission (KIRC) – (808) 243-5020
- KIRC’s Wailuku Office is closed to in-person access.
- All Kaho‘olawe trolling permits will only be accepted by mail. Boat stickers and permits will be mailed to applicants.
- Mail permit applications to: 811 Kolu St., Suite 201, Wailuku, HI 96793
- The KIRC will be continuing recovery and restoration activities due to a recent wildfire on Kaho‘olawe, but work groups are being reduced in size.
Land Division – (808) 587-0419
- All Land Division Offices statewide are closed to in-person access.
Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL) – (808) 587-0377
- OCCL Offices are closed to in-person access.
- For information about Conservation District regulations and policies visit the OCCL webpage.
- Applications and inquiries can be mailed to Office of Conservation & Coastal Lands, P.O. 621, Honolulu, HI 96809-0621.
Division of State Parks – (808) 587-0300
- State Parks Offices statewide are closed to in-person access
- Caretakers will continue to maintain, monitor and service parks during these closures.
- Camping and pavilion use permits are suspended.
- Vendors and concessions are being contacted with cease-of-operations instructions.
- The following parks will be closed effective, March 18, 2020
Hawai‘i Island:
‘Akaka Falls State Park
Kekaha Kai State Park
Wailoa River State Recreation Area
Wailuku River State Park
Hāpuna Beach SRA
Kīholo State Park Reserve
All State Parks, Recreational Piers, Wilderness Parks and Historic Parks
Iao Valley State Monument
Wai’anapanapa State Park
Kaumahina State Wayside
Pua’a Ka’a State Wayside
Makena State Park
Polipoli State Recreational Area-cabin and tent camping
Pala’au State Park
All State Parks, Monuments, Waysides, Lookouts, Historical Sites and Recreation Areas
Chair Case commented, “While we are disappointed to have to close parks and facilities and to cancel hunts, camping, special use permits and events, due to the necessity of social distancing, the health and safety of our staff serving the public and the safety of the community is our highest priority. We continue working very closely with other state agencies and will provide updates about any additional closures or restrictions that might be necessary to keep everyone safe.”
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Media Contact:
Dan Dennison
DLNR Communications Office
Senior Communications Manager
(808) 587-0396