Brown Bag #6: Micronesia Regional Invasive Species Council Update

Posted on Jul 8, 2017 in brownbag, slider

HISC Brown Bag Presentation #6

Title: Micronesia Regional Invasive Species Council Meeting

Presenter: John-Carl Watson, Planner, Hawaii Invasive Species Council

Date: May 31, 2017

Summary: In our sixth installment of the HISC Brown Bag presentation series, HISC Planner JC Watson provides a report from the April 2017 meeting of the Micronesia Regional Invasive Species Council, of which Hawaii is a non-voting member. JC summarizes the current invasive species issues reported by each jurisdiction, as well as future directions for RISC.

hisc-brown-bag-subtitleThe HISC Brown Bag Series is an ongoing set of informal lunchtime presentations to facilitate information sharing among partners and stakeholders. Presentations are are announced via the HISC email list and remote access is provided by WebEx. View other presentations in the HISC Brown Bag series at