2025 Legislative Session
Invasive Species Bill Tracking – 2025 Legislative Session
Click on Bill Number to hyperlink to Hawai’i Legislature website.
{Last Updated Friday, February 7th 7:25 pm}
HOUSE | |||
HB 47 | Authorizes the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture to adopt, amend, and repeal rules to develop an assessment and approval process to import and move aquatic livestock in the State. Requires the Aquaculture Program to develop a risk-based framework and biocontainment standards for the aquatic livestock assessment and approval process. Makes appropriations. | 2/6/2025 H The committee on CPC recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | SB 177 |
HB 96 | Short form bill relating to biosecurity. | 1/21/2025 H Referred to AGR, referral sheet 1 | |
HB 113 | Requires certain owners and occupants of properties located in hazardous fire areas to maintain effective firebreaks within thirty feet of the property and to practice other fire prevention activities. Establishes the Community Fuels Reduction Project to be administered by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. |
2/3/2025 H Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Cochran, Ward excused (2). 2/3/2025 H Reported from PBS/WAL (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 32) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and referral to FIN. |
SB 223 |
HB 175 | Requires owners or lessees of real property to maintain their property and establish penalties for failure to do so. Allows for exceptions. Requires DOA to establish rules for the enforcement and collection of fines for violations relating to the proliferation of invasive species. Requires the Office of the State Fire Marshal to adopt rules for the enforcement and collection of fines for violations relating to the prevention of wildfires and other public safety hazards. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1) | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by JHA on Tuesday, 02-11-25 2:00PM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | SB 1080 |
HB 299 | Appropriates funds for the Native Resources and Fire Protection Program and Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council to ensure their long-term viability and continue to control and eradicate invasive species in the State. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by AGR on Wednesday, 02-12-25 9:30AM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | SB 548 |
HB 347 | Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources from establishing or implementing bag limits for goats in public hunting areas. | 2/6/2025 H The committee(s) on WAL recommend(s) that the measure be deferred. | SB 570 |
HB 364 | Requires that cats over the age of three months be surgically sterilized, with certain exceptions. Authorizes county animal control authorities to establish and enforce a permit program to allow the responsible breeding of cats. Establishes minimum requirements for breeding permits and penalties. Establishes the Spay and Neuter Special Fund to reduce pet overpopulation, including the free-roaming cat population, and various revenue and fundraising sources for the special fund. Appropriates funds. Effective 1/1/2026. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by JHA on Wednesday, 02-12-25 2:00PM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | |
HB 427 | Part I: Renames the Department of Agriculture to the “Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity”. Renames the Board of Agriculture to the “Board of Agriculture and Biosecurity”. Part II: Establishes and appropriates funds for a Deputy Director of Biosecurity. Part III: Changes references to the plant and animal declaration form to the “biosecurity form”. Part IV: Authorizes and specifies conditions under which the Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity may declare a biosecurity emergency, during which the Department and Governor may take certain actions to prevent the establishment or spread of pests and prohibited or restricted organisms. Broadens the objectives and general actions of the Biosecurity Program. Part V: Appropriates funds for positions for the Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by JHA on Tuesday, 02-11-25 2:00PM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | |
HB 504 | Amends the transient accommodations tax rate. Requires a $20 transient accommodation tax to be levied per night for each furnishing of transient accommodations in exchange for points, miles, or other amounts provided through a membership, loyalty, or rewards program. Appropriates funds to DLNR for protection, management, and restoration of the State’s natural resources. | 1/21/2025 H Referred to TOU/WAL, FIN, referral sheet 2 | |
HB 547 | Establishes the Spay and Neuter Special Fund to reduce pet overpopulation and the reproduction of free-roaming cats and various revenue and fundraising sources for the special fund. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by CAA on Wednesday, 02-12-25 9:30AM in House conference room 309 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | SB 1023 |
HB 597 | Proposes a constitutional amendment to ensure that the inherent and inalienable right of the people, including present and future generations, to clean water and air, a healthful environment and climate, healthy native ecosystems, and beaches shall be protected and shall not be infringed. | 1/21/2025 H Referred to EEP/WAL, JHA, FIN, referral sheet 2 | |
HB 643 | Establishes short-term management initiatives for the coconut rhinoceros beetle response program. Appropriates funds for activities and positions related to coconut rhinoceros beetle infestation control. | 2/7/2025 H The committee on HED recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | SB 686 |
HB 752 | Effective 7/1/2027, establishes the Environmental Stewardship Fee Program within the Department of Land and Natural Resources, through which the Department will collect a fee from visitors for a license to visit a state park, forest, hiking trail, or other state natural area. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Fee Special Fund effective 7/1/2025. Allocates a certain amount of transient accommodations tax revenues to the special fund. Requires report to the Legislature on strategic plan and timetable for objectives and implementation of the environmental stewardship fee program. Appropriates funds for the environmental stewardship fee strategic plan and positions for the Environmental Stewardship Fee Program. | 1/31/2025 H Re-referred to TOU/WAL, FIN, referral sheet 10 | SB 673 |
HB 775 | Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for permanent positions in agricultural biosecurity established by Act 231, SLH 2024. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by AGR on Wednesday, 02-12-25 9:30AM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | SB 1187 |
HB 856 | Appropriates funds for eight full-time agricultural technician, and four full-time coordinator positions at University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to HED, FIN, referral sheet 3 | |
HB 873 | Increases the buffer zone for restricted use pesticides around schools to one-half mile. Allows the use of restricted use pesticides within the buffer zone as part of invasive species control conducted by the Department of Agriculture or invasive species committees organized under the University of Hawaiʻi Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to AGR, CPC, referral sheet 3 | |
HB 881 | Establishes and implements the Catastrophic Wildfire Securitization Act, to allow public utilities to securitize rates in order to raise capital that can be used to pay for costs and expenses arising out of catastrophic wildfires. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to EEP/PBS, CPC/JHA, FIN, referral sheet 3 | |
HB 932 | Establishes a Green Bonds Working Group within the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. |
2/6/2025 H Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on ECD with none voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Garcia, Muraoka, Pierick voting no (3) and Representative(s) Ward excused (1). 2/6/2025 H Reported from EEP (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 225) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and referral to ECD. |
SB 1258 |
HB 980 | Amends the law authorizing the killing of mongoose by clarifying the circumstances under which mongoose may be killed and authorizing feral chickens to be killed under certain circumstances. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to JHA, referral sheet 3 | |
HB 985 | Appropriates funding to the department of agriculture to continue the statewide pesticide drift monitoring study. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to AGR, FIN, referral sheet 3 | SB 1304 |
HB 986 | Increases the ceiling of the pesticide use revolving fund. Effective July 1, 2025. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to AGR, FIN, referral sheet 3 | SB 1305 |
HB 1120 | Clarifies that the Department of Health has the legal authority and obligation to prevent and address nuisances that affect environmental health or public health, or both. | 2/7/2025 H The committee on HLT recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | SB 1439 |
HB 1139 | Establishes within the Department of Land and Natural Resources the environmental stewardship fee program to collect a fee from visitors through an environmental stewardship license and allocate the revenue to protect, restore, and manage natural and cultural resources through grants to nonprofit organizations. Establishes the environmental stewardship fee special fund. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Commission to make recommendations to the Board of Land and Natural Resources regarding the use of revenues in the special fund. Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to conduct rulemaking. Requires a report to the legislature, including an environmental stewardship fee strategic plan. Creates civil or administrative penalties to be imposed after July 1, 2030. Appropriates funds. | 1/23/2025 H Referred to TOU, WAL, FIN, referral sheet 3 | SB 1458 |
HB 1220 | Appropriates funds to support the efforts of the Division of Aquatic Resources in the removal of the majano anemone from Kaneohe Bay. | 2/10/2025 H Reported from WAL (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 302) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and referral to FIN. | SB 1072 |
HB 1237 | Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for agricultural biosecurity and the prevention, detection, and control of invasive species in Maui County. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by AGR on Wednesday, 02-12-25 9:30AM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | |
HB 1256 | Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the fourth representative district. includes $5M for Albizia control along public roadways | 1/27/2025 H Referred to FIN, referral sheet 4 | |
HB 1278 | Appropriates funds for the assessment and removal of hazardous trees on state lands across Hawaiʻi. | 2/6/2025 H The committee on WAL recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
HB 1285 | Requires the Department of Agriculture to use consistent units of measurement in its summary to the public on the amounts of restricted use pesticides used. Establishes a one-half mile buffer zone for pesticides around schools and state and county public parks. | 1/27/2025 H Referred to AGR, CPC, referral sheet 4 | SB 352 |
HB 1334 | Exempts the donation of wild game meat, including axis deer, to a charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization to needy persons from certain laws regarding the inspection and transportation of meat. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by HLT on Wednesday, 02-12-25 10:00AM in House conference room 329 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | SB 1230 |
HB 1337 | Requires the University of Hawaiʻi to establish an endemic plant seed bank pilot program to preserve and promote the planting of plant species that are endemic to Hawaiʻi. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by HED on Wednesday, 02-12-25 2:00PM in House conference room 309 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | |
HB 1366 | Requires the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development to develop and publish a Hawaiʻi climate adaptation and resilience implementation plan and updates to the plan every five years thereafter. Appropriates funds. | 1/27/2025 H Referred to EEP/WAL, FIN, referral sheet 4 | SB 677 |
HB 1389 | Appropriates funds to the City and County of Honolulu for the expansion of the feral chicken program and the Vector Control Branch of the Department of Health for a statewide education campaign for the feeding of feral animals. | 2/7/2025 H The committee on HLT recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
HB 1427 | Appropriates funds to the Department of Health and Department of Agriculture to prevent, monitor, and respond to avian influenza in Hawaiʻi. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by AGR on Wednesday, 02-12-25 9:30AM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | SB 1591 |
HB 1449 | Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to adopt rules and establishes administrative penalties to establish and enforce the plant care component program. Appropriates funds and establishes positions for purposes of the plant care component program. | 2/7/2025 H Bill scheduled to be heard by JHA on Tuesday, 02-11-25 2:00PM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. | |
SENATE | |||
SB 12 | Classifies neonicotinoid pesticides as restricted use pesticides and establishes a list of chemicals that shall belong to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals. Prohibits the sale or use of seeds coated or treated with neonicotinoid pesticides. Requires the Department of Agriculture to adopt rules that identify and regulate the most harmful neonicotinoid pesticide formulations and develop guidelines for safer alternatives. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-10-25 1:01PM; Conference Room 224 & Videoconference. | |
SB 17 | Establishes the Wildfire Mitigation Working Group. Requires a report to the Legislature. Requires the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development to provide administrative support to the working group. Makes appropriations. | 1/16/2025 S Referred to PSM/WTL, WAM. | |
SB 139 | Authorizes any department of the Invasive Species Council, county, or any agent of a department of the Invasive Species Council or a county, including the Hawaiʻi Ant Lab or an island-based invasive species committee to use community action programs for the control or eradication of certain invasive pests. Defines community action program. Exempts individuals participating in a community action program from pest control operator requirements and regulations. | 1/17/2025 S Referred to AEN/WTL, CPN/WAM. | |
SB 140 | Prohibits the importation of firewood into the State, except for firewood that meets certain standards. Requires firewood that is imported into the State from another state to be certified and labeled as heat-treated. Establishes certain exemptions. | 2/5/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
SB 177 | Authorizes the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture to adopt, amend, and repeal rules to develop an assessment and approval process to import and move aquatic livestock in the State. Requires the Aquaculture Program to develop a risk-based framework and biocontainment standards for the aquatic livestock assessment and approval process. Makes appropriations. |
2/5/2025 S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to WAM. 2/5/2025 S Reported from AEN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 49) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to WAM. |
HB 47 |
SB 198 | Prohibits the State from leasing public lands to or extending the lease of the US Department of Defense or any branch of the US military if the department or branch is noncompliant with any environmental order, consent decree, or memoranda of agreement, or any law, rule, or order on a matter affecting residents’ health and safety. Requires Department of Land and Natural Resources to request that the military agree to remediation of existing leased lands prior to the end of the lease term. | 1/17/2025 S Referred to WTL/PSM, JDC. | |
SB 210 | Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources from approving any land disposition to the United States military that allows for or facilitates any military training activities on the subject lands. Requires that any lease or lease extension between the State and the US Department of Defense or branches of the US military include certain provisions, including an acknowledgement that the State retains authority over all environmental matters within its jurisdiction. Provides that violation of state or federal environmental law, or any law, rule, or order on a matter affecting the health and safety of the State’s residents, shall be grounds for terminating the lease. | 1/17/2025 S Referred to WTL/PSM, JDC. | |
SB 223 | Requires certain owners and occupants of properties located in hazardous fire areas to maintain effective firebreaks within thirty feet of the property and to practice other fire prevention activities. Establishes the Community Fuels Reduction Project to be administered by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. | 2/3/2025 S The committee(s) on WTL/PSM recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 113 |
SB 241 | Establishes the Climate Health and Environmental Action Special Fund in the Department of Land and Natural Resources to minimize the impacts of, and respond to, climate crises, which, beginning 1/1/2026, will be funded by a $25 tax on transient accommodations. Exempts certain housing used for emergencies during a state disaster from the Transient Accommodations Tax. Appropriates funds. | 1/17/2025 S Referred to WTL/AEN/EDT, WAM/JDC. | |
SB 251 | Requires the Department of Agriculture to adopt rules and carry out an Invasive Species Placard Program for plant nurseries. Allows a county to adopt an Invasive Species Placard Program if the Department does not adopt the Program within a certain number of years. |
2/4/2025 S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading and referred to CPN/WAM. 2/4/2025 S Reported from AEN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 16) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading and referral to CPN/WAM. |
SB 252 | Clarifies that the importation of any item or material infested or infected with an insect or other animal, disease, or other pest is prohibited. Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to inspect any item imported or moved into the State from another part of the continental United States or between the Hawaiian Islands. Prohibits the sale of merchandise that a seller knows is infested or infected with a pest. Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to compel the quarantine, treatment, or destruction of certain materials. Clarifies penalties for violations. | 2/10/2025 S Reported from AEN/CPN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 162) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to JDC/WAM. | |
SB 315 | Creates an expedited permitting process to authorize the destruction or control of feral pigs on privately owned land, if the feral pigs have caused or are likely to cause substantial damage to agricultural or aquacultural crops, indigenous plants or wildlife, or pose a threat to human health and safety. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on WTL/AEN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-12-25 1:05PM; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference. | |
SB 330 | Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to enforce quarantines issued by the United States Department of Agriculture or another state. | 2/5/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
SB 352 | Requires the Department of Agriculture to use consistent units of measurement in its summary to the public on the amounts of restricted use pesticides used. Establishes a one-half mile buffer zone for pesticides around schools and state and county public parks. |
2/5/2025 S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to JDC/WAM. 2/5/2025 S Reported from AEN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 44) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to JDC/WAM. |
HB 1285 |
SB 394 | Establishes a Spay and Neuter Special Fund. Allows funds from an income tax check-off to be deposited into the Spay and Neuter Special Fund. Establishes the Spay and Neuter Special Fund Advisory Committee to establish eligibility criteria and disbursement procedures from the Special Fund. Appropriates funds. | 1/21/2025 S Referred to AEN, WAM. | |
SB 523 | Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish and administer a Biosecurity Fencing Cost-Sharing Program. Appropriates funds. | 2/5/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
SB 548 | Appropriates funds for the Native Resources and Fire Protection Program and Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council to ensure their long-term viability and continue to control and eradicate invasive species in the State. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on WTL/AEN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-12-25 1:05PM; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference. | HB 299 |
SB 559 | Proposes a constitutional amendment to ensure that the inherent and inalienable right of the people, including future generations, to clean water and air, a healthful environment and climate, healthy native ecosystems, and beaches, shall be protected and shall not be infringed. |
2/5/2025 S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to JDC/WAM. 2/5/2025 S Reported from AEN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 42) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to JDC/WAM. |
SB 562 | Establishes a Plant Nursery Registry Program to regulate the sale of nursery stock. Requires certain plant nurseries to register with the Department of Agriculture. |
2/5/2025 S Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to CPN/WAM. 2/5/2025 S Reported from AEN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 46) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to CPN/WAM. |
SB 566 | Establishes a spay and neuter special fund. Establishes a spay and neuter special fund advisory committee to develop eligibility criteria for and manage the disbursement of the special fund. Authorizes, and requires the Director of Taxation to amend the individual state income tax form to facilitate, the designation of tax refund moneys to be paid to the spay and neuter special fund. Appropriates moneys into and out of the special fund. | 1/21/2025 S Referred to AEN, WAM. | |
SB 570 | Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources from establishing or implementing bag limits for goats in public hunting areas. | 1/21/2025 S Referred to WTL, JDC. | HB 347 |
SB 658 | Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture to support the Hawaiʻi Ant Lab in mitigating the effects of little fire ants in the State. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-10-25 1:01PM; Conference Room 224 & Videoconference. | |
SB 673 | Effective 7/1/2027, establishes the Environmental Stewardship Fee Program within the Department of Land and Natural Resources, through which the Department will collect a fee from visitors for a license to visit a state park, forest, hiking trail, or other state natural area. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Fee Special Fund effective 7/1/2025. Allocates a certain amount of transient accommodations tax revenues to the special fund. Requires report to the Legislature on strategic plan and timetable for objectives and implementation of the environmental stewardship fee program. Appropriates funds for the environmental stewardship fee strategic plan and positions for the Environmental Stewardship Fee Program. | 1/23/2025 S Referred to WTL/EDT, WAM/JDC. | HB 752 |
SB 677 | Requires the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development to develop and publish a Hawaiʻi climate adaptation and resilience implementation plan and updates to the plan every five years thereafter. Appropriates funds. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on WTL/AEN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-12-25 1:05PM; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference. | HB 1366 |
SB 686 | Establishes short-term management initiatives for the coconut rhinoceros beetle response program. Appropriates funds for activities and positions related to coconut rhinoceros beetle infestation control. |
2/4/2025 S The committee(s) on HRE recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. 2/3/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. |
HB 643 |
SB 702 | Proposes a constitutional amendment to ensure that the inherent and inalienable right of the people, including future generations, to clean water and air, a healthful environment and climate, healthy native ecosystems, and beaches, shall be protected and shall not be infringed. | 1/23/2025 S Referred to AEN, JDC/WAM. | |
SB 746 | Establishes and appropriates moneys for a two-year pilot program under the Department of Land and Natural Resources that incentivizes community members to collect and submit the coconut rhinoceros beetle and its larvae for compensation. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on WTL/AEN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-12-25 1:05PM; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference. | |
SB 1023 | Establishes the Spay and Neuter Special Fund to reduce pet overpopulation and the reproduction of free-roaming cats and various revenue and fundraising sources for the special fund. | 2/5/2025 S The committees on TCA/AEN/EIG recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 547 |
SB 1072 | Appropriates funds to support the efforts of the Division of Aquatic Resources in the removal of the majano anemone from Kaneohe Bay. | 1/23/2025 S Referred to WTL/AEN, WAM. | HB 1220 |
SB 1080 | Requires owners, lessees, or managers of real property to maintain their property and establish penalties for failure to do so. Allows for exceptions. | 1/23/2025 S Referred to WTL/PSM, JDC. | HB 175 |
SB 1100 | Renames the Department of Agriculture as the Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity. Establishes a Deputy Chairperson for Biosecurity. Requires the Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity to establish an emergency response team to respond to biosecurity events. Authorizes the department to establish transitional facilities and private inspectors to inspect imported plants and animals. Requires inspection of various items transported interisland. Increases penalties for illegally transporting plants, animals, and microorganisms. Requires the department to establish governmentindustry agreements to detect and respond to unwanted organisms in Hawaiʻi. Authorizes pest management plans to address, contain, or eradicate pests. Transfers the Invasive Species Council from the Department of Land and Natural Resources to the Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity. Authorizes the Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity to adopt rules to establish and enforce the plant care component program. Authorizes the Department of Agriculture and Biosecurity to assess administrative penalties for the enforcement of the program. Appropriates moneys. | 2/6/2025 S The committees on TCA/AEN/CPN recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
SB 1164 | Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Fee Program within the Department of Land and Natural Resources, through which the DLNR shall, after 7/1/27, collect a fee from visitors for a license to visit a state park, forest, hiking trail, or other state natural area. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Fee Special Fund. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. | 1/27/2025 S Referred to WTL/EDT, WAM/JDC | |
SB 1171 | Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish a program to provide certain monofilament netting free of charge to the public through local hardware stores to slow the growth and spread of coconut rhinoceros beetles in the State. Requires the DOA to establish rules allowing the sale and distribution of certain monofilament netting in the State. Appropriates funds. | 2/3/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | |
SB 1187 | Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for permanent positions in agricultural biosecurity established by Act 231, SLH 2024. | 2/3/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 775 |
SB 1190 | Appropriates funds to the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council to support its initiatives to control and eradicate invasive species in the State. | 1/27/2025 S Referred to WTL/AEN, WAM. | |
SB 1230 | Exempts the donation of wild game meat, including axis deer, to a charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization to needy persons from certain laws regarding the inspection and transportation of meat. | 1/31/2025 S The committee(s) on HHS recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 1334 |
SB 1258 | Establishes a Green Bonds Working Group within the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. | 1/27/2025 S Referred to EDT, WAM. | HB 932 |
SB 1304 | Appropriates funding to the department of agriculture to continue the statewide pesticide drift monitoring study. | 2/7/2025 S The committee(s) on AEN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 985 |
SB 1305 | Increases the ceiling of the pesticide use revolving fund. Effective July 1, 2025. | 1/27/2025 S Referred to AEN, WAM. | HB 986 |
SB 1439 | Clarifies that the Department of Health has the legal authority and obligation to prevent and address nuisances that affect environmental health or public health, or both. | 2/5/2025 S The committee(s) on HHS recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 1120 |
SB 1458 | Establishes within the Department of Land and Natural Resources the environmental stewardship fee program to collect a fee from visitors through an environmental stewardship license and allocate the revenue to protect, restore, and manage natural and cultural resources through grants to nonprofit organizations. Establishes the environmental stewardship fee special fund. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Commission to make recommendations to the Board of Land and Natural Resources regarding the use of revenues in the special fund. Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to conduct rulemaking. Requires a report to the legislature, including an environmental stewardship fee strategic plan. Creates civil or administrative penalties to be imposed after July 1, 2030. Appropriates funds. | 1/27/2025 S Referred to WTL/EDT, WAM/JDC. | HB 1139 |
SB 1561 | Establishes vegetation management requirements to prevent wildfires caused by electric utilities. Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to enforce the provisions. | 2/7/2025 S The committees on CPN/WTL deferred the measure. | |
SB 1591 | Appropriates funds to the Department of Health and Department of Agriculture to prevent, monitor, and respond to avian influenza in Hawaiʻi. | 2/7/2025 S The committees on AEN / HHS recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. | HB 1427 |