2014 Hawaii Invasive Species Awareness Week Happenings
There are many opportunities across the state to be a part of HISAW. Get involved with your community to restore and protect Hawaii’s unique natural resources!
Wednesday March 5th, 20148:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Large Pavilion beyond Kokee Natural History Museum 3600 Kokee RoadKekaha HI 96752 Kauai
Kokee Resource Conservation Program (KRCP) Volunteer TripAll ages welcome. Bring plenty of water (enough for up to an 8 hour work day), lunch, snacks, sunscreen, hat, and rain gear. KRCP will provide training and all necessary tools. Please wear long sleeve shirt, long pants, and close toed shoes. We recommend wearing shoes with ankle support if possible. There will be a short orientation of the work project and participants will sign waivers before heading out into the field. Those 17 and younger will need to be accompanied by an adult.
Work day plan for Kaluapuhi trail: clearing invasive weeds using hand tools. Volunteers will have the opportunity to observe native plants which KRCP staff will point out. Break for an hour lunch at 12:00pm, continue work until 3:30 pm, debrief and collect tools, project finish at 4 pm. Carpool from Waimea to Kōkeʻe Museum is available upon request. Contact & RSVP: Cherith Andrade: 335.0045 or rcp@aloha.net
Wednesday March 5th, 20149:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ho’omaluhia Botanical Gardens (Art Gallery Space) 45-680 Luluku Road Kaneohe HI 96744 Oahu
Oahu Invasive Species Committee Quarterly MeetingPlease join OISC for the first quarterly meeing of 2014
OISC staff will be giving updates on miconia survey and control efforts, discussing potential new target species such as Tibouchina herbacea and Coconut rhinoceros beetle, and introducing new OISC staff members. OISC will be requesting input and feedback regarding little fire ant and devil weed management strategies. Waimea Valley Conservation Specialist, Laurent Pool, will be giving an update on recent conservation efforts being conducting in the valley. Contact & RSVP: Julia Parish: 266.7994 or jparish@hawaii.edu
Friday March 7th, 201410:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge Entrance at Milepost 6 on Mokulele Highway Maui
Conservation Connections Talk StoryA free event presented by the Maui Invasive Species Committee (MISC) & Hawaii Conservation Alliance.
Topic: Paintballs & Digital Mapping: A day in the field for Maui Conservationists presented by Dr. James Leary, developer of herbicide ballistic technology and Brooke Mahnken, MISC. Learn what is being done to manage invasive plants on Maui and connect with other conservation professionals. Contact & RSVP: capacity@hawaiiconservation.org or 398.6520 |
Saturday March 8th, 20149:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Lyon Arboretum 3860 Manoa Rd. Honolulu HI 96822 Oahu
Oahu Invasive Species Committee Volunteer Trip – Lyon ArboretumLearn about invasive species and help prevent the newest, baddest weeds from damaging Oahu’s native forests and the important water resources they provide! Join OISC in partnership with Lyon Arboretum in an ongoing effort to remove selected, high-threat invasive plant species from the arboretum before they have a chance to establish, spread and do harm.
OISC offers volunteer service trips on the second Saturday of every month at Lyon Arboretum in Manoa Valley. Contact: oisc@hawaii.edu (rsvp required)
Saturday March 8th, 20149:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Moku’auia Island – offshore from Malaekahana State Recreation Area 56-020 Kamehameha Hwy Laie HI 96762 Oahu
Moku’auia Wildlife Sanctuary Service Trip Oahu Offshore Island Restoration Program (DLNR/DOFAW)Volunteer on the offshore islet of Moku’auia for the monthly effort to remove invasive Chinese violet and Bidens from this beautiful Wedge-tailed Shearwater colony. Many hands have contributed to a robust native ecosystem, Please help us continue the effort! Contact: https://dlnr.ivolunteer.com/mokuauia03082014 (RSVP Required)
Sunday March 9th, 20148:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Meet at the end of Komo Mai Drive, in front of the locked gate restricting vehicular traffic. When you turn onto Komo Mai Drive, drive through Pacific Palisades to the end of the road. There is street parking near the cul-de-sac. Oahu
Manana Trail Volunteer TripKo‘olau Mountains Watershed Partnership
All who are comfortable with a 4-mile round-trip hike, plus work time, are welcome. The hike to the work site is moderate and takes about 1.5 hours. What to bring: Pack plenty of water (~2 liters), lunch, snacks, sunscreen, hat, rain gear and sunglasses. We will provide all the necessary tools (handsaws and gloves). Spiked boots or tabis are recommended, but don’t worry if you don’t have these. Contact: koolaupartnership@gmail.com (RSVP Required)
Monday March 10 (and on)Click here for details
Big Island
Volunteer Day Trips and Palila ViewingMauna Kea Forest Restoration Project (MKFRP)
Join MKFRP as we thaw out of winter and start our planting season on Mauna Kea. We’ll be planting māmane, ‘a‘ali‘i, ‘āweoweo and other species at the Ka‘ohe Restoration Area. We’ll be working at about 6,500 feet on the southwestern slope of Mauna Kea and we’ll keep a look out for a palila or two! What to expect: Weather could be sunny and hot, or wet and quite cold. The terrain is rough and 4-wheel drive vehicles are a must (limited carpooling can be provided for those without 4-wheel drive). Typically, half the day will be spent planting, and the other half of the day will be spent exploring the high-elevation dry forest and looking for palila.