Mysore Raspberry (Rubus niveus)

Photo Credit: Forest & Kim Starr
MYSORE RASPBERRY (RUBUS NIVEUS) synonyms: Ceylon raspberry, Hill raspberry, Snowpeaks raspberry
Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment: 19 HIGH RISK
Regulatory Status: Hawaii Noxious Weed List
Prevention and Control Category: none
Spiny, woody bramble that grows as a sprawling bush, but may reach heights of 4 m (13 ft)
White flowers that become shiny black fruit when ripe
Native to India and southeastern Asia, introduced to Hawaii as an ornamental and backyard food crop
Forms dense, impenetrable thickets that exclude other native plant species
Seeds are spread by fruit-eating birds and mammals, also spreads vegetatively
Thickets also make access difficult for hunters, hikers and other visitors to forest
Infestations can produce 7,000-13,000 seeds per square meter, which can remain dormant in the soil for several years
Kauai: Form A is found on Kauai
Maui: On Maui, there are two forms known, form a, which is likely the form Wagner et al. (1999) were referring to, and form b, first discussed in Gerrish et al. (1992). Rubus niveus form b is well established in disturbed urban areas of Kula as well as in a variety of habitats in Polipoli, including native and non-native mesic forests, alpine shrubland, degraded pastures, and along trails and roads, at elevations from 3,000-6,500 ft (914-1,981 m).
Big Island: Form A is found on Hawaii Island