Brown Bag #25 – Ballast Water & Hull Biofouling

Posted on Sep 13, 2019 in brownbag, News, slider

HISC Brown Bag Series #25
Title: Ballast Water & Hull Biofouling Update

Presenter: Jules Kuo, BWHF Coordinator, Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR)

Date: August 27, 2019

Summary: Learn about  the importance of Ballast Water & Hull Biofouling.

Continued financial support from HISC is needed to fund two full-time positions in 2018. Where appropriate, HIBP ‘implementation tasks’ have been referenced in parenthesis. Ballast Water and Hull Fouling Coordinator 1) Develop and manage Hawaii’s Ballast Water (BW) and Vessel Biofouling (BF) Program 2) Work closely with a CGAPS legal fellow to decipher regulatory language associated with BW, BF and hull husbandry (HH), identify gaps and redundancies in state/federal regulations governing BW, BF, and HH management in Hawaii. Furthermore, work with the legal fellow to push for legislative approval of amended BW rules and continue to develop BW, BF, and HH regulations, policies, and best management practices (BMPs), among other projects. (PrePol1.6, BorPol1.6, BorPro2.5) 3) Consult with the Alien Aquatic Organism Task Force (AAOTF) and meet with individual stakeholders on the development of regulations and policies associated with BW, BF, and HH. The AAOTF consists of key maritime industry stakeholders including, but not limited to, Hawaii culture/resource preservation representatives, Hawaii DOT, DOH, DOA, USCG, NOAA, EPA, commercial maritime industry, Pacific regional state/territorial islands/international government agencies, vector management vendors, scientists, and conservation groups. (PrePol1.6) 4) Collaborate with Pacific regional government partners to formulate regional consistency in policies and standards associated with vessel-borne AIS by reviewing regulatory documents and collaborating on projects. Regional partners include, though not limited to, California State Lands Commission (CSLC), Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Ministry for Primary Industries (New Zealand), Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (Australia), and Transport Canada. (PosPro 4.5) 5) Co-sponsor vessel biofouling workshop with California State Lands Commission (and possibly Alliance for Coastal Technologies) (PosPro 4.5) 6) Hire, train, and supervise a Kupu Intern (and a vessel inspector and volunteers if funds are available) 7) Manage long-term surveillance project (ARMS Harbor Monitoring Project) of aquatic non-indigenous species in commercial harbors and harbor mouths 8) Implement action items of HISC Resolution 18-1 and Hawaii Concurrent Resolution 130 on In-water Cleaning of Vessels 9) Manage the BW reporting email account and respond to inquiries 10) Compile and analyze BW reporting forms and HH forms 11) Continue to support development of BW reporting form database 12) Lead ballast water and vessel biofouling inspections with the DAR AIS Team and NOAA (PrePol1.7) 13) Maintain membership and participation in meetings for the following groups as appropriate: HHUG, HOST, CGAPS, Pacific Ballast Water Group, the CSLC Technical Advisory Group, Washington Ballast Water Work Group, Biofouling International Regulators Discussion, and WRP Coastal Committee. 14) If approved and travel funds are available, travel to the Ballast Water Management Conference, Marine Bioinvasions Conference, and Pacific Ballast Water Group Meeting to build partnerships and exchange viable knowledge in AIS prevention 15) Collaborate with the DAR Administrator, DLNR Chair and Deputy Director, Hawaii AG, Governor of Hawaii, and U.S. Congressional Delegates to address state and federal regulations that effect DLNR’s ability to protect state waters 16) Develop outreach/educational materials for managing ballast water, biofouling, and hull husbandry 17) Mentor and work with the Kupu Intern to fulfill job responsibilities and deliverables.


Link to Video Recording (on YouTube) 

Link to PowerPoint.pdf: Brown Bag 25 BWHF_Jules Kuo_20190827