FY10 Funded Projects

The HISC disbursed $2M in FY10 to support projects relating to invasive species prevention, control, and outreach. A full description of FY10 activities can be found in the 2011 legislative report. Individual project summaries and final reports are below.


[spoiler open=”No” title=”Retention of HDOA Plant Quarantine Inspection Staff” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii Department of Agriculture, $600,000

For the Hawaii Department of Agriculture to prevent HDOA Plant Quarantine Inspector losses from layoff plans.  With the expectation of $1.2 to $1.3 million being used from the PIQE fund, the total number of inspectors being maintained is estimated to be 20 positions.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Support for the Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment, $60,000

To sustain one technician to continue the screening of plants grown and used commercially in Hawaii via the locally developed Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA). Funding at this level reduces the capacity of the HPWRA from FY09 The HISC passed a resolution that state agencies conducting planting operations should request HPWRA scores, when available, as one of the tools to assist decision makers in determining whether to plant a particular species. For species that have scored as potentially invasive in Hawaii, this information should underscore the need for containment plans or remediation efforts if they become necessary. HPWRA and outreach staff should work with state and county agencies to identify the agencies with planting guidelines, seek to gain their support of this recommendation and inform them of the weed risk assessment services we provide.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Ballast Water and Hull Fouling Coordinator” icon=”chevron”] DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources, $40,000

To Provide a Ballast Water and Hull Fouling Coordinator for the Division of Aquatic Resources: To support prevention projects to minimize the introduction of alien aquatic organisms in Hawaii from hull fouling and ballast water. This would include funds for regulation changes, compliance measures, early detection efforts, specialized equipment and marine invertebrate taxonomic expertise.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Hawaii Ant Coordinator” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii Department of Agriculture, $40,000

For a Hawaii Ant Projects Coordinator to work for the Department of Agriculture to bring about more effective protection of Hawaii’s environment from harmful alien ants, with special emphasis on prevention and control of the little fire ant (present on the Big Island) and the red imported fire ant (still absent from Hawaii). In early 2007 the “Hawaii Invasive Ant/Red Imported Fire Ant Prevention Plan” was updated. To this end, the interagency Hawaii Ant Group was resurrected to get input and agreement on potential plan revisions some funds from FY2008 will also be used to hire someone for a year. The plan identifies further actions needed to address this threat. The position was recently advertised and should be filled shortly.

Final Report[/learn_more]


[spoiler open=”No” title=”Aquatic Invasive Species Response Team” icon=”chevron”] DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources, $240,000

This statewide program addresses marine and freshwater invasive species, through local control, early detection and rapid response efforts. Control of algae on reefs using the Supersucker, algae suppression strategies, habitat restoration of wetlands, outreach and control of incipient invasive invertebrates are key focus areas.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Kauai Detection and Control of Invasive Species” icon=”chevron”] Kauai Invasive Species Committee, $90,000

In FY 2010, KISC continued working on goals outlined by the HISC Response and Control Working Group. Priority was given to early detection, response, and control of various plants and insect targets. KISC received $90,000 from HISC and leveraged $137,000 in additional funds. ARRA funding of $166,000 was also distributed to KISC. An island-wide roadside survey for early detection of invasive plants was completed and delimiting surveys are determining the extent of some of the priority plants identified. Mature miconia plants were discovered during aerial and ground surveys and KISC was able to rapidly respond to dispatch them. KISC is also the primary responder to new coqui reports across the Island and also is working to eliminate the one known wildland coqui population in Lawa‘i. KISC also conducted outreach events across the island educating the public about the threats of invasive species.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Oahu Detection and Control of Invasive Species” icon=”chevron”] Oahu Invasive Species Committee, $190,000

OISC surveyed public and private lands across the Island to locate and remove high-threat invasive plants. OISC worked cooperatively with partners and private landowners to prevent coqui frogs from establishing on the Island and to increase public awareness of the threat as part of an ongoing outreach program. Outreach continues to pay dividends as residents report pests and the Committee follows up, sharing information and tasks with HDOA, as needed. Partners and volunteers contributed valuable field time, allowing more acreage to be surveyed. OISC’s Early Detection Team continued its surveys and risk assessments of introduced plants to reduce future impacts of highly invasive species. The Team also traveled to Kauai in a cooperative effort with KISC. OISC continued to develop its data collection and analysis capabilities to make the most of every field hour, and to share results with others. State funds provided the needed match for successful fundraising from other sources. As a result, no staff had to be let go, although budget cuts did force a reduction in staff through attrition.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Maui County Detection and Control of Invasive Species” icon=”chevron”] Molokai and Maui Invasive Species Committees, $200,000

To support the detection and control of incipient invasive species in Maui County. The Maui Invasive Species Committee detected and controlled invasive plants and animals across the islands of Maui and Lanai, while also providing administrative oversight to work on Molokai. MoMISC continued its successful efforts toward eradicating eight priority target species: albizia, giant reed, Australian tree fern, Barbados gooseberry, fountain grass, New Zealand flax, rubber vine and tumbleweed. Field staff detected no giant reed or fountain grass during surveys. MoMISC will continue to prioritize maintenance and monitoring of target species towards eradication. MoMISC also prioritized responding to reports from the public, addressing a wide variety of pest issues affecting human health and the environment. Strong partnerships and a supportive community provided the foundation for successful efforts during FY2009.

MISC Final Report

MoMISC Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Big Island Detection and Control of Invasive Species” icon=”chevron”] Big Island Invasive Species Committee, $100,000

To support the detection and control of incipient invasive species in Hawaii County. During the FY2010 reporting period, BIISC focused a substantial portion of its efforts on response and control of established pests; focusing on red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), Poison Devil’s Pepper (Rauvolfia vomitoria), Miconia (Miconia calvescens) and Rubber vine (Cryptostegia madagascariensis). During this reporting period BIISC received $90,000 from HISC and leveraged approximately $250,000 in additional funds. An additional $157,000 was received from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), however a funding deficit resulted in a significant loss of staff during this period. Despite this setback BIISC made significant progress towards completion of an island wide early detection survey, control and containment of several established pests and eradication of a number of rapid response targets.

Final Report



[spoiler open=”No” title=”Statewide Outreach Program” icon=”chevron”] Various Organizations, $130,000

For a Statewide Outreach Program in cooperation with the public and private sector for visitors and residents to increase voluntary compliance of quarantine laws, avoid accidental introductions of invasive species, and establish an effective pest hotline reporting system that delivers timely information to managers on the ground. Funds fully cover specialist outreach staff on Kauai, the Big Island, and a statewide role based on Oahu. In addition, half the salary is included for Oahu and Maui outreach positions. Increased emphasis on statewide messages identified in the recently updated HISC strategic plan are expected to provide better uptake in the community. Specific collaborative efforts with appropriate agencies, groups and organizations are expected to increase the impact of the outreach team. Effectiveness of the outreach effort is measured through a third party survey.

KISC Final Report

OISC Final Report

MISC and MoMISC Final Report

BIISC Final Report

HBIN Final Report


HISC Support and Overhead

  1. $60,000 for DOFAW Overhead
  2. $140,000 for DLNR Central Services Fee
  3. $110,000 for HISC Support Staff