FY20 Funded Projects
The HISC annually requests proposals from government agencies within the State of Hawaii, including the University of Hawaii system, and county and federal partners, for projects that address interagency invasive species issues. HISC-funded projects complement existing programs within state agencies and are those that 1) Fill gaps between agency mandates or existing agency programs, and/or 2)Advance our collective knowledge through research and development of new tools.
The legislature appropriated $5,750,000 to the HISC for FY20. Of this total, 10% ($575,000) was restricted by the Department of Budget and Finance, and 5.7% ($327,750) was provided as overhead to the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife as the administrative host of the HISC. The HISC Support Program budget (including temporary staff positions, supplies, web application development for an online pest reporting system, and other programmatic costs) totaled $437,412.
For the remaining grant funds totaling $3,639,387; HISC received 50 applications totaling $8,476,285. The Resources Working Group evaluated each proposal based on its applicability to the newly released Hawaii Interagency Biosecurity Plan (HIBP), the HISC Strategic Plan, and priorities of the Regional Biosecurity Plan for Micronesia and Hawaii.
On August 30, 2019, the HISC approved the recommended budget from the Resources Working Group detailing funds for thirty-six (36) projects addressing interagency prevention, control, outreach, and research needs.
Project Title |
Agency, Division |
Funded Amount |
Hawaii Ant Lab core funds |
UH, PCSU, Hawaii Ant Lab |
$276,302 |
Detection and Control of Invasive Species in Maui County |
UH, PCSU, Maui & Molokai Invasive Species Committees |
$723,923 |
Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species |
UH, PCSU, Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species |
$50,000 |
Public Engagement in Invasive Species Control on the Island of Hawaii |
UH, PCSU, Big Island Invasive Species Committee |
$190,970 |
Early Detection, Control & Eradication for Priority Invasive Species on O’ahu |
UH, PCSU, O’ahu Invasive Species Committee |
$623,330 |
Invasive Species Outreach and Education in Maui County |
UH, PCSU, Maui & Molokai Invasive Species Committees |
$132,640 |
Early Detection and Rapid Response to Rapid Ohia Death on Hawaii Island |
UH, PCSU, Big Island Invasive Species Committee |
$73,356 |
Public Outreach and Education on Kauai |
UH, PCSU, Kauai Invasive Species Committee |
$113,285 |
Kauai Invasive Species Committee Early Detection and Control |
UH, PCSU, Kauai Invasive Species Committee |
$579,500 |
Invasive Species Outreach on O’ahu |
UH, PCSU, O’ahu Invasive Species Committee |
$107,279 |
Little Fire Ant Control Program for Maui |
UH, PCSU, Maui & Molokai Invasive Species Committees |
$61,200 |
Detection and Control of Invasive Species on the Island of Hawaii. |
UH, PCSU, Big Island Invasive Species Committee |
$493,000 |
Coqui Frog Control and Monitoring Program on Maui |
UH, PCSU, Maui & Molokai Invasive Species Committees |
$83,000 |
Pest Response O’ahu |
UH, PCSU, O’ahu Invasive Species Committee |
$108,317 |
The Hawaii Alien Plant Informatics Project: informing invasive plant management decisions with interconnected data |
$30,000 |
Landscape Scale Mosquito Control Project Coordination |
DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife |
$24,274 |
Laying the groundwork for landscape-level mosquito suppression to protect endangered forest birds and human health from mosquito borne disease in Hawaii |
DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife |
$92,646 |
Trap development and biological assessment of Acalolepta aesthetica (an invasive longhorn beetle attacking cacao) |
USDA-ARS, Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center |
$32,527 |
Hawaii Ballast Water and Biofouling |
DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources |
$86,034 |
Increasing Awareness and Community Support for Albizia Related Projects on Oahu |
UH, PCSU, Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership |
$23,000 |
The Future Bee: Protection of Hawaii’s bee stock from invasive Africanized honey bees |
$41,130 |
Regional Eradication is Feasible: Continuing Albizia Control in The Upper Waiawa Watershed |
UH, PCSU, Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership |
$19,000 |
Waipahoehoe Management Unit Feral Ungulate Removal |
UH, PCSU, Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance |
$72,822 |
Biological control of invasive Rubus spp. |
USDA Forest Service |
$31,000 |
Mongoose toxicant bait station development and evaluation |
USDA APHIS WS National Wildlife Research Center |
$21,070 |
The Plants of Hawaii online species information system |
Bishop Museum |
$66,025 |
Investigating a novel method to extirpate Hawaii’s most prolific marine invasive, leather mudweed Avrainvillea lacerata. |
UH, Department of Botany |
$45,000 |
Biocontrol of Hedychium gardnerianum |
USDA Forest Service |
$9,159 |
Evaluating natural enemies of albizia as potential biocontrol agents |
USDA Forest Service |
$180,000 |
Continued control of Tibouchina herbacea on Oʿahu |
UH, PCSU, Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership |
$30,000 |
The efficiency of different trap types in controlling the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) in Hawaii |
DLNR, Division of Forestry and Wildlife and USDA National Wildlife Research Center |
$48,548 |
Wolbachia Outcrossing, Cytoplasmic Incompatibility Testing, and Colony Maintenance for Hawaii Lineage Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus Mosquitoes |
HDOH, Environmental Health Services Division, Vector Control Branch |
$61,989 |
Biocontrol of invasive melastomes |
USDA Forest Service |
$74,000 |
Detection and invasive potential of Arcte coerula (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a new potential pest of mamaki in Hawaii. |
$15,535 |
Mosquito Rearing Technician |
DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife |
$17,477 |
Cats are Heroes – Public Relations Campaign |
DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife |
$10,000 |
Total |
$4,647,338 |
FY20 Call for Proposals
Applications can be completed online and must be finalized by 5pm on June 9. If you have any questions, please contact Randy Bartlett at randal.t.bartlett@hawaii.gov
Reporting Guidelines for FY20 Funded Projects Data