HONOLULU -- A public hearing on a draft habitat conservation plan for the proposed construction and operation of a wind farm project that could generate up to 25 megawatts of power on Oahu will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 4, 2015, at the Kahuku Village Association Community Center, 56-576 Kamehameha Highway.The (DLNR) invites testimony on the Na Pua Makani Wind Energy project draft habitat conservation plan.
KAILUA-KONA, HAWAII – A Kona fishing charter boat captain died today after being fatally injured by a broadbill swordfish he had just speared in Honokohau small boat harbor on Hawaii Island
Honolulu – Restoration work at Kawainui Marsh on Windward Oahu is being recognized tomorrow during the Historic Hawaii Foundation’s (HHF) 2015 Preservation Honor Awards Ceremony at Dole Cannery in Honolulu.
KAILUA - An experiment utilizing a siphon to transfer water from one side of the levee at Kawai Nui Marsh on Windward Oahu, to the other and gather data on the environmental impacts of this action is part of the planning study being conducted by DLNR and their consultant, Oceanit.
LIHU 'E – Annual seabird radar monitoring work has now begun in conjunction with the start of the breeding season for both both ‘A‘o (Newell’s Shearwaters) and Ua’u (Hawaiian Petrels) on Kaua’i. This is a project of the Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project (KESRP).
HONOLULU -- The Board of Land and Natural Resources has approved a boating administrative rule amendment that makes permanent bans on alcohol and drug use, and disorderly behavior, at the Kaneohe Sandbar, also known as Ahu O Laka.
HONOLULU – With the school year ending and the start of the busy summer tourist season, the Department of Land and Natural Resources and City and County of Honolulu Ocean Safety & Lifeguard Services Division have combined forces to educate and inform local residents and visitors about resource protection rules and safety considerations related to visits to Oahu Offshore Islets; particularly Mokulua North or Mokunui Islet, the highly visited islet off Kailua and Lanikai beaches. All of the offshore islets are state wildlife sanctuaries. On Mokunui Islet, the state and city & county are working to balance resource protection with visitation.
HONOLULU – Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park on Hawaii Island is one of the state’s quintessential and most popular state parks. It attracts thousands of kayakers, snorkelers, hikers, and people interested in learning about Hawaiian cultural resources.
HONOLULU – On May 15, twenty-five Hawaiʻi middle school students were recognized for their poems and short stories selected as top winners in the annual “My Hawai‘i” environmental writing contest for students in grades 6, 7 and 8, sponsored by the Pacific Writers’ Connection (PWC), the Hawai‘i Conservation Alliance and multiple state and federal environmental agencies .
HONOLULU – Protection of Hawai‘i lands having valuable cultural, natural, or agricultural resources can be achieved through grants from the Department of Land and Natural Resources’ (DLNR) Legacy Land Conservation Program (LLCP).