FY12 Funded Projects

The HISC disbursed $1.8M in FY12 to support projects relating to invasive species prevention, control, and outreach. A full description of FY12 activities and achievements can be found in the 2013 legislative report. Individual project summaries and final reports are below.


[spoiler open=”No” title=”Ballast Water and Hull Fouling Coordinator” icon=”chevron”] DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources, $21,481

This position is critical to maintain for the management and prevention of aquatic invasive species for DLNR. Duties of this position include: recording and evaluating ballast water reports, maintain ballast water database, develop hull fouling management policies and guidelines, conduct hull inspections, and maintain equipment for hull inspections.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment, $119,541

The Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment addresses gaps in our capacity to prevent new invasive plants from entering the state and reduce the spread of existing invasive plants. Continuation of funding for the HPWRA will fulfill prevention objectives highlighted in the 2008- 2013 Strategic Plan of the Hawaii Invasive Species Council, will allow for ongoing screening of new plants, and will also expand the list of both high risk species as well as low risk or “approved” species that are essential to public and private adoption of the system.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Early Detection of Africanized Honeybees and Exotic Honeybee Species” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii Department of Agriculture, $14,443

Hawaii is the largest exporter of European honeybee queens in the world, an industry that is worth $13 million to the local economy. These queens pollinate a range of crops whose value is in the billions of dollars. Africanized and Asian honeybees pose a serious threat to not just beekeeping in Hawaii but also to human health. This funding will provide proactive services including: the development of early detection systems, creating training and awareness programs for beekeepers, inspection personnel of various agencies, and shipping companies.

Final Report

Figures and Appendices



[spoiler open=”No” title=”Kauai Island Invasive Species Detection & Control” icon=”chevron”]Kauai Invasive Species Committee, $211,857

Survey and eradication work for incipient forest pests and incipient invasive vertebrates in Kauai County.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Oahu Island Invasive Species Detection & Control” icon=”chevron”] O‘ahu Invasive Species Committee, $208,042

Survey and eradication work for incipient forest pests and incipient invasive vertebrates.

Final Report 

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Detection and Control of Invasive Species in Maui County” icon=”chevron”] Maui Invasive Species Committee and Molokai Invasive Species Committee, $180,000

Conduct detection and control operations for high priority invasive species on the islands of Maui, Molokai, and Lanai.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Big Island Invasive Species Detection & Control” icon=”chevron”] Big Island Invasive Species Committee, $205,000

The Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) is a voluntary partnership of private citizens, community organizations, businesses, land owners, and government agencies to address invasive species issues on the island of Hawaii. This proposal will partially fund continuing operations of the BIISC for FY12, including early detection of incipient pest species and control of established pests.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Management and Control” icon=”chevron”] DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources, $207,531

Continued implementation of field activities for the control of aquatic invasive species in Hawaii.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”HDOA Biocontrol Foreign Exploration” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii Department of Agriculture Plant Pest Control Branch, $40,000

HDOA’s Biocontrol Program has effectively controlled many invasive pests in Hawaii which were not amenable to control by other means.  This proposal requests funding for PPC foreign exploration in Southeast Asia and addresses biocontrol targets for coffee berry borer, small hive beetle, stinging nettle caterpillar, pickleworm, fireweed, maile pilau, fountain grass, banana aphid, and miconia.

Final Report 

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Control of Little Fire and Emerging Pest Ant Species in Hawaii” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii Department of Agriculture Plant Pest Control Branch,  $72,783

This project provides core funding for the Hawaii Ant Lab, which provides prevention, response/control, outreach and research services for invasive ants to the State of Hawaii. Little Fire Ants are now well established on the east coast of the Big Island and are rapidly spreading to neighbor islands and the west coast of the Big Island. This funding will address: eradicating or aggressively controlling LFA infestations in Kailua‐Kona, Maui and Kauai; providing practical advice to industry and homeowners for management; providing information, training and technical advice to the ISCs, developing better treatment options for existing infestations; and development of management solutions for emerging pest species.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Big Island Axis Deer Project” icon=”chevron”] Big Island Invasive Species Committee, $90,000

The Axis Deer Project seeks to locate and quantify herds of axis deer on the big island. This funding will allow for the capture and neutering of “Judas deer” from Molokai and for satellite collars to be attached to these deer. The neutered, collared deer will be released on the Big Island, where they will herd with existing, hard-to-locate deer populations, providing location information.

Final Report



[spoiler open=”No” title=”Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Outreach” icon=”chevron”] DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources,$4,500

This project will produce and distribute outreach materials for Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii; will work in partnership with the ISCs on each island; and will hold workshops to bring together public, research, and agency stakeholders.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Public Education and Outreach in Kaua‘i County” icon=”chevron”] Kauai Invasive Species Committee, $31,360

Conduct outreach activities on invasive species issues on Kauai.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Oahu Island Invasive Species Public Education and Outreach” icon=”chevron”] Oahu Invasive Species Committee, $35,000

Hire an outreach coordinator to conduct outreach activities on invasive species issues on Oahu.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Public Outreach and Education in Maui County” icon=”chevron”] Molokai/Maui Invasive Species Committee,  $35,000

Support of educational efforts to increase detection and limit the spread of invasive pests within Maui County and to neighboring islands. Target audiences include citizens in priority communities, schools, and policymakers.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Hawaii Island Invasive Species Education and Outreach” icon=”chevron”] Big Island Invasive Species Committee, $33,490

Conduct outreach activities on invasive species issues in Hawaii County.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project Technical Assistant” icon=”chevron”] Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project (HEAR),  $20,000

The Hawaiian Ecosystem at Risk project technical assistant provides support of outreach and inter-agency communication efforts of the Hawai’i Invasive Species Council (HISC), Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species (CGAPS), and the island-based Invasive Species Committees (ISCs) through the Hawaii Invasive Species Partnership website: www.hawaiiinvasivespecies.org.  The technical assistant also supports the HEAR.org website and listservs.

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Management of Invasive Species Data and Web Products in Hawaii” icon=”chevron”] Hawaii Biodiversity Information Network / Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, $29,407

This project seeks to transition the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) from USGS following the loss of federal funding. PBIN hosts the data for the Hawaii Invasive Species Partnership websites and provides a number of data services related to invasive species management, including the data entry system for the Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment, the Hawaii Early Detection Network, centralized data reporting and management for the island-based Invasive Species Committees, as well as the reportapest.org website and the forthcoming Plant Pono website.

Final Report

[/su_spoiler] [spoiler open=”No” title=”Hawaii Landscape and Forestry Pest Identification Cards” icon=”chevron”] DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife, $6,000

This project seeks to produce a set of informational, transportable cards highlighting forest pests that are either established in Hawaii or at risk of being introduced. The project is targeting landscape industry professionals and forest managers as users of the cards, which will help individuals identify new or existing pest populations rapidly. The cards will contain contact information for reporting pests.


HISC Support and Overhead

  1. $54,000 (3% of $1,800,000) for required DOFAW overhead.
  2. $126,000 (7% of $1,800,000) for required Central Services Fee at DLNR.
  3. $54,565 for two HISC support positions (HISC Coordinator and Communications Coordinator)