Land Board Submittals – 07/10/20
DATE: FRIDAY, July 10, 2020
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
PLACE: YouTube
Considering the evolving COVID-19 situation, protecting the health and welfare of the community is of utmost concern. As such, the meeting will be held remotely, with board members, staff and applicants participating via online meeting venue.
The meeting will be live streamed at:
Interested persons can submit written testimony in advance of each meeting that will be distributed to Board Members prior to the meeting. Written testimony must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting to ensure time for Board Members to review it. Late written testimony will be retained as part of the record, but we cannot assure Board Members will receive it with sufficient time for review prior to decision-making. Submit written testimony to
To provide live oral/video testimony during the online meeting, email your request to at least 24 hours in advance, with your name, phone number, email address, computer identification name (check your device settings), and the agenda item on which you would like to testify. Once your request has been received, you will receive an email with the Zoom link via which to testify. You will need a computer with internet access, video camera and microphone to participate. If you require access by phone only, please indicate that in your email request. Testimony will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes per person per agenda item.
Individuals requiring special assistance or auxiliary aids or services (i.e., sign language interpreter), please contact staff at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at 808.587.0404 so that arrangements can be made.
In some of the matters before the Board, a person may wish to request a contested case hearing. If such a request is made before the Board’s decision, then the Board will consider the request first – before considering the merits of the item before it. A person who wants a contested case may also wait until the Board decides the issue, then request the contested case after the decision. It is up to you. Any request must be made in writing within ten days. If no request for contested case is made, the Board will make a decision. The Department will treat the decision as final and proceed accordingly.
1. Request Approval for the meeting minutes for May 22, 2020.
1. Request Approval of a Revised Waimea Valley Forest Stewardship Management Plan and Forest Stewardship Agreement with Hiʻipaka LLC, Tax Map Key: (l) 6-1-002:002, Waialua District, Island of O’ahu.
2. Request Approval of a Revised Kaupakuea Orchards Forest Stewardship Management Plan and Forest Stewardship Agreement with Kaupakuea Orchards, LLC, Tax Map Key: (3) 2-8-003:009 and (3) 2-8-003:010, Hamakua District, Island of Hawai’i.
3. Approve the use of a Request for Interest for Federal Grants with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Wildland Urban Interface and Landscape Scale Restoration Grant Programs; Delegate to the Chairperson the Authority to Award, Execute, and Extend Agreements with Successful Providers; and to Issue Annual Requests for Interest and Awards under these grant programs.
4. Request for Delegation of Authority to the Chairperson to Approve, Sign, Execute, Amend, and Extend Memoranda of Agreements with the Various Circuit Courts for Community Service and Remediation, subject to Approval as to form by the Department of the Attorney General.
1. Consent to Assign General Lease No. S-4276 from Tony Alik Tay, Assignor, to Tony A. Tay, Trustee of the Tony A. Tay Revocable Living Trust, dated July 19, 2001, Assignee; Hanapepe, Waimea, Kauai, Tax Map Key: (4) 1-8-008:040. [Honopou Map and Photos]
2. Issuance of Construction Right-of-Entry to the State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture for Emergency Auwai Stabilization Purposes; Cancellation of Revocable Permit S-7846 to Lurlyn Scott and Sanford Kekahuna; and Issuance of Revocable Permit to Lurlyn Scott and Sanford Kekahuna for Intensive Agriculture and Auwai Maintenance Purposes; Honopou, Hamakualoa, Makawao, Maui, Tax Map Key: (2) 2-9-001:018.
3. Grant of Perpetual, Non-Exclusive Easement to County of Maui, Department of Public Works for Drainage Purposes and Issuance of Immediate Construction and Management Right-of-Entry Permit; Napili, Maui, Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-002: Portion of 023.
4. Issuance of Construction and Management Right-of-Entry Permit to City and County of Honolulu on Lands Encumbered by Governor’s Executive Order No. 2704, Sand Island, Honolulu, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 1-5-041: Portions of 003 & 006.
5. Grant of Term, Non-Exclusive Easement to Daisho Company, Ltd. dba Daishohouse for Seawall Purposes; Maunalua, Honolulu, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 3-9-016: Seaward of 036.
6. Third Amendment of Prior Board Action dated October 10, 1986, Item F-9, as amended by October 25, 2019, Item D-9, and January 10, 2020, Item D-8, Request of the City and County of Honolulu, Board of Water Supply, for Executive Order Setting aside 6 MG Reservoir Site Together with Electrical Transmission line, Waterline and Roadway Easement at Kahana Valley, Kahana, Koolauloa Oahu, Tax Map Key: Portions of (1) 5-2-001 & 5-2-002.
The purpose of this amendment is to seek Board’s authorization to issue the City and County of Honolulu, Board of Water Supply 1) a separate perpetual nonexclusive easement for access and utility purposes in addition to the proposed set-aside; and 2) a right-of-entry permit.
7. Second Amendment of Prior Board Action dated February 28, 1986, Item F-8, as amended by October 25, 2019, Item D-10, City and County of Honolulu, Board of Water Supply Requests Set Aside of lands at Sacred Falls Park, Kaluanui, Koolauloa, Oahu, for Well Site Purposes, Kaluanui, Koolauloa, Oahu, Tax Map Key: Portions of (1) 5-3-011:009 (Portion), 010, and 011.
The purpose of this amendment is to seek Board’s Authorization to issue the City and County of Honolulu, Board of Water Supply a separate perpetual non-exclusive easement for access and utility purposes in addition to the proposed set-aside.
8. Issuance of Right-of-Entry Permit to Maui Camelot, LLC for Seawall Demolition, Removal, Site Surveys and Construction of Replacement Revetment / Seawall Pursuant to Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) MA-3745 Approved by the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) on October 23, 2015; Grant of Term, Non-Exclusive Easement to Maui Camelot, LLC for Revetment/Seawall Purposes; Kuau, Paia, Maui, Tax Map Key: (2) 2-6-009: seaward of 005.
1. Issuance of a Month-to-Month Revocable Permit to Pro Park, Inc., for Property/Passenger Motor Carrier for Compensation Management at Diamond Head State Monument, Kapahulu, Waikīkī, Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawai’i, Tax Map Key: (1) 3-1-042:006 Portion;
Request Approval of Declaration of Exemption from Chapter 343, Hawai’i Revised Statutes, Environmental Compliance Requirements for the subject project.
1. Issuance of a Revocable Permit to The Friends of Hokulea and Hawaiiloa, Inc., for Perpetuating and Teaching Hawaiian Traditions of Building, Restoring and Caring for Canoes Purposes, situated at Ke’ehi Small Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaii, identified by Tax Map Key: (1) 1-2-023:054;
Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules. [Testimony]
2. Issuance of a Revocable Permit to H2O Sports Hawaii, LLC, for Purposes of Assembly, Repair and Storage of Boat and Water Sports Equipment, situated at Ke’ehi Small Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaii, identified by Tax Map Key: (1) 1-2-023:053;
Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.
3. Mutual Cancellation of Revocable Permit No 52, to John’s World Famous Hawaii Hot Dogs, LLC., located at the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 2-3-037:012 (Por.);
Issuance of a New Revocable Permit to John’s World Famous Hawaii Hot Dogs, LLC., for a Mobile Food Concession, Located at the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 2-3-037:012 (Por.);
Declare the Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.
4. Consent to Sublease under Harbor Lease No. H-82-4, GKM, Inc., Lessee, to: Hawaii Data Center, LLC, Sublessee, Kealakehe, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, Tax Map Key: (3) 7-4-008:042. [Testimony]
1. Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) KA-3862 by the Hawaii Department of Transportation and the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the Subdivision of property and the Development of the Hanalei Valley Viewpoint at Halelea, Hanalei, Kauai, Tax Map Key parcel: (4) 5-3-001:006.
2. Conservation District Use Application HA-3863 for Mr. Frederick W. Gregg, Jr.’s Single-Family Residence, Landscaping, and Associated Improvements located at Ho’okena Beach Road, Ho’okena, South Kona, Hawai’i Tax Map Key: (3) 8-6-013:009.
3. Conservation District Use Application HA-3863 for Mr. J. Spencer Wright and Ms. M. Ellen Bentley’s Single-Family Residence, removal of Invasive Species, and Related Improvements located at Kaiwiki Road, Kaiwiki, South Hilo, Hawai’i Tax Map Key: (3) 2-6-011:033.
Briefing by the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands regarding its Coastal Lands Program and its continuing efforts to protect the State’s beaches and coastal communities from climate change threats.
1. Delegation of Authority to the Chairperson to: (1) Procure, Award and Enter into Professional Service Consultant Contracts for Capital Improvement Program Projects Appropriated by the Legislature as Listed in Exhibit 1 or Program Operating Funds; (2) Declare a Construction Project Exempt from the Preparation of an Environmental Assessment or Approve an Environmental Assessment and Issue a Finding of No Significant Impact, if Appropriate; and
(3) Approve, Procure and Enter Construction Contracts for Capital Improvement Program Projects Appropriated by the Legislature as Listed in Exhibit 1 or Program Operating Funds
1. Issuance of a Revocable Permit for Office Space for the Purpose of Providing 24-Hour Medical Response Services, International Life Support, Inc. dba American Medical Response, Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Tax Map Key No: (1) 1-1-72: 69 (Portion).
2. Issuance of a Revocable Permit for Aircraft Parking, Snowbird Air, LLC, Kalaeloa Airport, Tax Map Key No: (1) 9-1-13: Portion of 32.
3. Issuance of a Revocable Permit for Ramp Space for Cargo Sorting Operations, Aeko Kula, LLC dba Aloha Air Cargo, Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole, Tax Map Key No: (3) 7-3-43: Portion of 003.
4. Issuance of a Revocable Permit for Temporary Space for Aircraft Maintenance and Storage, L & L Management, Inc. dba Big Island Air, Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole, Tax Map Key No: (3) 7-3-43: Portion of 003.
5. Request Approval to Issue Eight (8) Month-to-Month Revocable Permits and Issuance of a Lease by Direct Negotiation to Sause Bros., Inc., for Maintenance Operations Warehouse, Employee Parking, Storage Containers, and Storage Space, situated at Pier 27, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, Tax Map Key Nos. (1) 1-5-038-001 (P), (1) 1-5-038:073 (P) and (1) 1-5-038:074 (P), Governor’s Executive Order No 2903.