
The Hawaii Invasive Species Council is proud to announce a new, ongoing series of informal lunchtime presentations to facilitate information sharing regarding invasive species. This series aims to provide a forum for updates from HISC partner agencies, presentations about the achievements made by HISC-funded projects, or updates from the HISC Support Program. The HISC Brownbag Series will be hosted online via WebEx ...
Read More HISC Brown Bag #1: PILN Meeting 2016

Invasive species impact many parts of our lives, economy, and environment, and dealing with invasive species requires many hands all working together. Hawaii is a model for how different state, federal, county, and private entities can come together and work on shared goals. Representative Cindy Evans (North Kona, South Kohala, North Kohala) recently dedicated an ...
Read More HISC on TV: Representative Cindy Evans’ Show “Now What?”

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will hold its 2016 World Conservation Congress (WCC) in Hawaii, from September 1 to 10. The IUCN WCC is the Olympics of conservation, an event happening every four years that draws heads of state and leaders from government, non-profits, and private industry together to discuss global ...
Read More Invasives at the IUCN WCC, Sep 1-10 2016

Visit to learn about mosquito-borne illnesses (including zika, dengue, chikungunya, and others) and how to minimize your risk. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DAVID Y. IGEGOVERNOR VIRGINIA PRESSLER, MD DIRECTOR   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 30, 2016                                                                              16-040  HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RELAUNCHES “FIGHT THE BITE” EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN ABOUT MOSQUITO-BORNE DISEASE PREVENTION HONOLULU – As summer ...
Read More DOH Launches “Fight the Bite” Campaign for Mosquito-Borne Diseases

HISC_RTI_position_paper – Executive Summary: Research and technology are vital functions to Hawaii’s management strategy against alien invasive species. The Hawaii Invasive Species Council should strive to maintain a consistent funding mechanism to support a balanced and diverse research and technology portfolio targeting high priority species.

The Hawaii Invasive Species Council released its FY17 Proposal Guidelines for interagency projects relating to invasive species prevention, control, outreach, and research. This is an intragovernmental budgeting process, not a request for bids from private entities. Staff at the various HISC agencies, including UH system, as well as county and federal agencies partnering with the ...
Read More HISC FY17 Grant Application Evaluation in Process

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH  DAVID Y. IGEGOVERNOR VIRGINIA PRESSLER, MDDIRECTOR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 13, 2016                                                                               16-030 JOINT TASK FORCE ESTABLISHED TO COMBAT RAT LUNGWORM DISEASE IN HAWAII HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) and the East Hawaii Liaison to the Office of the Governor announced today the establishment of a Joint Task ...

The Hawaii Department of Health has produced an informational site for residents and visitors seeking information about the Zika virus. Zika is not currently circulating in Hawaii, but the mosquito species that could potentially carry Zika are found here. Mosquitos in Hawaii can carry a number of diseases of concern, including dengue fever and avian malaria. ...
Read More DOH Provides Information on Zika Risk in Hawaii

From DLNR: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 26, 2016 HEROES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST INVASIVE SPECIES HONORED State Capitol Ceremony Recognizes Extraordinary Efforts  (HONOLULU) – Hawaii’s 4th annual Hawaii Invasive Species Awareness Week (HISAW) wrapped up today with a ceremony in Governor David Ige’s office to recognize people and organizations who’ve been instrumental in the fight ...

High school students from across Hawaii answered a call for submissions to a video contest from the Hawaii Invasive Species Council and the Oahu Invasive Species Committee (OISC). The students created public service announcements on the theme: How do invasive species affect you? We received 11 great submissions from aspiring videographers and conservationists, and their videos are ...
Read More Student Videos for Hawaii Invasive Species Awareness Week!