Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program Call For 2018 Grant Proposals

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(HONOLULU) Do you know a school, community group or non-profit organization that cares about greening our environment? Funding is available to help get your project off the ground.  The Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program announces a call for statewide grant applications with new and expanded opportunities for projects that support urban and community forestry.

(HILO) – Forestry managers on Hawai‘i island report one-third to one-half of the total acreage of the Malama Kī Forest Reserve has been impacted by the month-long East Rift Zone volcanic eruption. 

HONOLULU -- The 25 winners of the 12th annual My Hawai‘i Story Contest focused on the environment were recently announced. The students will be presented with awards and prizes at the Hawai'i Conservation Conference on July 25, 2018, at the Hawai'i Convention Center in Honolulu.

LIHU‘E --  The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) is reminding residents and visitors to Kaua‘i that certain forest and park areas on Kaua‘i which suffered damage during historic flooding in mid-April remain closed.

(HONOLULU) –Hawai‘i’s critical shortage of affordable dwellings will get a boost from a USDA Forest Service Wood Innovations grant. Nationwide the U.S. Forest Service is awarding almost $8 million in grants for projects in 20 states to expand and accelerate wood products and wood energy markets. The grants are intended to stimulate the removal of hazardous fuels from forests and reduce the risk of wildfires, promote overall forest health and reduce forest management costs.

HILO -  The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) will be conducting maintenance work on Muliwai trail and Waimanu campground between May 20-25. The campground and trail will be closed during this period.

(HONOLULU) – A team from the O‘ahu Invasive Species Committee (OISC) conducted part of a regularly planned aerial sketch mapping mission over the southern Ko‘olau Mountains today.  Their mission was cut short due to bad weather but they hope to finish their work soon.

LIHU‘E, KAUA‘I -- Polihale State Park on Kaua‘i will reopen to the public on Tuesday May 15, following repairs to the heavily flood-damaged entry road.  The initial repairs, consisting of filling and grading the most damaged section of the unpaved 5-mile roadway and making drainage improvements, will allow for hardy vehicles to access the beach and camping areas within the popular West Kaua‘i park.  A second phase of road repair will be ongoing for approximately two weeks after the reopening, and park visitors may experience some delays due to the construction. 

(HONOLULU) – Following a series of statewide public hearing on proposed changes to rules regulating activities within Hawaii’s Forest Reserve System, the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife is reminding everyone that input and comments on the rules will be accepted until May 11, 2018. The rule changes are in response to evolving natural resource concerns and the needs of managers and forest users.

(South Kona, Hawai‘i)  It’s a long and rough four-wheel-drive road to reach a black sand beach at Manukā Natural Area Reserve (NAR) on Hawai’i Island.  That doesn’t deter some 30 people – Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund staff, representatives from federal and state agencies and volunteers – from making the trip for nine consecutive Earth Days with a singular mission in mind. That’s to remove plastic debris, derelict fishing equipment and nets and the typical trash produced by all of us.