Get the Outerspatial App
The information you need to hike, hunt, and explore Hawaiʻi is on Outerspatial. DLNR Forestry and Wildlife uses this platform to share official information about public resources, so you can be confident that the trails you use and the areas you access are legal to use.
Download Outerspatial as a mobile app on iOS or Android, or visit Outerspatial on the web. When using the app or website, make sure you’re viewing the community “Hawaii” to see our assets as well as other organization’s assets you might be interested in. Hunters and hikers can check in to hunting areas or trails. Hunters can also report their harvest right in the app.
Trail alerts and hunting announcements may not appear in the Outerspatial app. Double-check trail alerts and hunting announcements before you go. Remember that outdoor activities may require permits. You can visit Explore Outdoor Hawaiʻi as a one-stop shop to find permits for all DLNR activities, or jump straight to our Division of Forestry & Wildlife Permits page if you know you need a permit from our division.
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