Vandals Damage One Of Hawaii‘s Most Important Cultural Site; Kaniakapupu Was King Kamehameha III Summer Palace

Forestry & Wildlife Announcements

(HONOLULU) – Kaniakapupu, in the forest above Honolulu, in the Nuuanu district, is central to the story of modern Hawai‘i. Not only was it the summer palace of King Kamehameha III and Queen Kalama, it was the first government building built in western style with mortar and plaster. Completed in 1845, Kaniakapupu was the “scene of entertainment of foreign celebrities and the feasting of chiefs and commoners. The greatest was a luau attended by 10,000 celebrating Hawaiian Restoration Day in 1847,” (from a plaque erected on-site by the Commission on Historical Sites). Earlier it was the site of a notable heiau for Hawaiian royalty.

LIHU‘E -- The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) announces the opening of the black-tailed deer hunting season on the island of Kaua‘i. Rules and conditions regulating game mammal hunting in Title 13, Chapter 123 will be in effect. For hunt details go to the Division of Forestry and Wildlife website at

(LIHU'E) – Last week, researchers discovered the bodies of six endangered Hawaiian Petrels at a remote breeding colony in Hono o Na Pali Natural Area Reserve, Kauai. All had been dragged from their breeding burrows by feral cats and partially eaten, including one incident that was caught on a monitoring camera.

HILO -- The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) will conduct animal control activities on Hawaii island on designated dates in July and September.

HONOLULU -- In order to expand Bowhunter Education certification options in Hawaii, the Hawaii Hunter Education Program within the Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, will begin offering Hawaii residents an online Bowhunter Education course, beginning on July 1, 2016.

HONOLULU — The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) is seeking new projects for the Hawaiʻi Forest Legacy Program that will protect important working forest lands from the threat of conversion to non-forest uses. The Forest Legacy Program, administrated through DLNR’s Division of Forestry and Wildlife, is accepting applications for conservation acquisition assistance through the program.

HONOLULU -- Another long-lasting and economical tool to help schools keep their classrooms cool is by planting shade trees in strategic locations on school campuses to maximize their shading and cooling potential.

HILO — The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announces the opening of the hunting season in the Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a Forest Reserve (PWW) Youth and Disabled Hunt and Makai Sections pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123, “Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting.” DLNR-DOFAW also announces a special Ungulate Control Program for the PWW Mauka section pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123, “Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting,” §13-123-9.

(Hanapepe, Kauai) – With fewer than 500 ʻakikiki, an endemic Hawaiian honey creeper, (Oreomystis bairdi) left in the wild, a loss of even a couple of eggs to predators like rats is considered a setback to the people trying to save this native species from extinction on Kauai.

HONOLULU – Just in time for National Trails Day, on Saturday, June 4, 2016, Hawaii’s Nā Ala Hele Trail and Access Program is launching a new website with cutting-edge features and a new design making it the prime resource for state forest trail hikers in Hawaii. National Trails Day is the largest celebration of trails and the thousands of volunteers who maintain trails across the country.