Maui Nui Frequently Asked Questions

Maui Nui Frequently Asked Questions

When is the office open?
Our offices are open Monday through Friday 7:45AM to 4:30PM. At this time, we are conducting business by phone while taking in-person appointments between the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm for certain services. Please call 808-984-8100 to identify your need and talk with us about how we can help.
What are we doing to manage axis deer on Maui and Molokaʻi?
Deer can be a food source in some places, and a threat to forests or crops in others. We work with partners to encourage hunting and limit the impacts of deer on our forests and our agriculture. Learn about the problem and our work to manage it in this StoryMap.
I lost my hunter education certification card, can you replace it?
Yes, contact the DLNR hunter education program at or by phone at 808-587-0200. It will cost $5 to replace the certificate.
I moved here from another state and would like to continue hunting, how can I get a hunting license?

Upload your current out-of-state hunter education certificate and photo ID to the website for a letter of exemption.  If you’re having difficulties, you may call the local office for assistance.

The website won’t accept my information. What’s wrong?

The hunting license application is specific about how your date of birth is entered. DOB must be entered with dashes, not slashes and numeric months and days need to be entered as two digits. DOB Format: XX-XX-XXXX (Ex. 01-02-2000)

How can I stay up-to-date on hunting news?

Visit our Hunting pages. Hunting announcements are posted there and are available by subscription through the online Go Hunt Hawaii newsletter. When you purchase a hunting license online, there is an option to subscribe to this newsletter.

How can I obtain tags for special hunts?

To purchase tags, you may mail a copy of your hunting license with game bird stamp, a self-addressed envelope, and your payment (cashier’s check or money order made out to DLNR) to the DOFAW Maui Nui Branch office, 685 Haleakala Highway, Kahului, HI 96732. As an alternative, appointments may also be made  for in-person assistance by calling (808) 984-2100.  

I have feral pigs/goats/axis deer on my property, can you help?

Unfortunately, the Division of Forestry & Wildlife cannot conduct animal control or remove animal carcasses on private property.

I have feral dogs/cats/chickens on my property, can you help?

The Division of Forestry & Wildlife cannot control animals on private property.  Please contact the Maui Humane Society for information regarding feral cats/dogs: (808)877-3680.

I have a question about an unfamiliar plant or a bug I've never seen before, can you help?

Maybe. A member of our staff may be able to help identify a plant, insect, or something else from the environment. However, some of our partners may be better equipped to give you an answer:

  • Report an invasive species:, 643PEST app, or 643-PEST telephone hotline (808-643-7378).
  • Maui Invasive Species Committee: (808)573-6481
  • State of Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture: (808) 973-9560
I want to report an illegal animal, who do I contact?

Please contact the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture at (808)643-PEST (7378).

I am worried about injured wildlife (land animals), can you help?

Yes, please call (808)984-8100 to be consulted by our Wildlife program.  Typically our staff are able to help with nēnē, waterbirds, and bats. You can read about downed wildlife and seabird fallout on our Wildlife pages. Our downed wildlife page provides additional contact information for Maui Nui.

I found a downed/injured seabird. What should I do or who do I call?

Check our information on our downed wildlife page, under the Maui Nui section. Our partners at Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project can help, call them at: (808)280-4114.  Keep the bird in a large, covered, dark box until it can be collected by staff, but do NOT give it any food or water.

I have seen a turtle/monk seal/dolphin/whale that is injured/distressed, who can I contact?

Our federal partners with NOAA maintain contacts for each island who are trained and licensed to handle these issues.  Please call the NOAA Marine Wildlife Hotline at (888) 256-9840.

People are harassing turtles/monk seals/dolphins, who do I contact?

These animals are protected by both state and federal laws.  You can call the NOAA Fisheries Enforcement hotline (800) 853-1964 and the state Division of Conservation and Resource Enforcement (DOCARE) (808)873-3990 or (808) 643-DLNR (3567)

I saw a false killer whale/pelagic manta ray/oceanic whitetip shark, hawksbill turtle, should I report that?

Yes! Data on these protected species in our near-shore areas is vital.  Include it on your commercial fishing report or call (808)294-4260. For hawksbill turtle sightings:

I have a question about planning my next hike, can you help?

Please note that popular guidebooks may include out of date information or erroneously advise hiking on private lands, and some public trails on state lands may be temporarily closed for safety reasons.  The most current and accurate information about public trails can be found on our webpages. Check our Hike Maui Nui page and the interactive map at, which gives details and shows the locations of most Nā Ala Hele trails. For other questions, please utilize the Outerspatial application to view special highlights at public trails.  Our federal partners in Haleakalā National Park have their own trail system:

Where can I ride my mountain bike on state lands? Can I ride an E-bike on any of them?

Only on certain trails.  The Kahakapao Recreational Area trails of the Makawao Forest Reserve were specifically designed for bike and horseback riding, as well as hiking, and this is the only area of Maui where Class one e-bikes are allowed (but not Class 2/3).  Bike riders can also share some trails in the Kula Forest Reserve: Skyline, Māmane, Upper and Lower Waiohuli, Upper Waiakoa Loop, Boundary trail, and Redwood Trail.  For more trail info:

Can I take my dog on these trails?

Check the website. Many, but not all of the trails can be shared with your dog, as long as it is continuously leashed and under your control.

How do I visit some state Forest Reserves and Natural Area Reserves on Maui and Moloka‘i?

Many of these state lands are surrounded by private land, without road access.  To reach them would mean trespassing if you do not have permission from surrounding land-owners.  Fortunately, many other areas are accessible via Nā Ala Hele Trails, go to:

Where can I fish (freshwater or ocean), what’s in season, do I need a license?

Go to the Hawai‘i DLNR Dept of Aquatic Resources (DAR) website:  Maui Nui office: 808-243-5294

I have questions about boating rules/licenses, is my e-foil considered a vessel?

Go to the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) or call (808)587-1966

Where do I get information about the four state parks on Maui (‘Iao, Polipoli, Wai‘ānapanapa, Mākena)?
Where do I get information about reserving campsites/campground space?

Visit our Camp Maui Nui information. While DOFAW does not manage many campsites within Maui Nui, our partners at State Parks or at Maui County may have additional options.

How can I visit ‘Āhihi-Kina‘u Natural Area Reserve, find out more about the reserve, snorkeling, hiking, etc?

‘Āhihi-Kina‘u was the first State Natural Area Reserve created in Hawai‘i to protect fragile and unique resources.  One of the healthiest reefs in the state and one-half mile of lava trails have always been open to the public in one mile of coastline for non-motorized water activities, but leave your pets at home.  You can download maps and information at:

Two miles of reserve coastline remain closed to protect fragile ecosystems.  You can explore more on the 2.5 mile historic Hoapili Trail, just outside the reserve.  Find out more at:

Is there a charge to visit the reserve?

Out-of-state visitors must pay a $5.00 fee for each day they visit at fee machines in the reserve.  State residents are not charged a fee but must still show a receipt on their windshield when parking.  Residents who frequently visit the reserve can get a free windshield sticker by visiting the DOFAW Kahului office. Call 984-8100 for more information.

I saw people poaching animals/fish in a closed area, saw people vandalizing state property, damaging trees/plants on state lands. Who do I call?

Division Of Conservation and Resource Enforcement (DOCARE) officers respond to resource damage issues on any state lands, and its best if detailed information comes directly from you, the witness.  Please call their numbers: (808)873-3990 or (808)643-DLNR. If you witnessed private vehicle damage/vandalism or personal altercations, you should contact the Maui Police Department (808)244-6000 for non-emergencies or 911 for emergencies.

Where can I see native Hawaiian forest birds, sea birds and water birds?

Most native Hawaiian forest birds have been wiped-out at low elevations and only survive where introduced mosquitoes cannot spread bird-diseases to them.  On Maui, this means portions of Kula Forest Reserve, above 6000’ in elevation, and rarely as low as Waihe‘e Ridge Trail.  You can learn more about forest birds statewide at our Hawaiʻi’s Native Birds pages, or Maui-specific birds at  Our partners at Haleakalā National Park can guide you to specific areas there:

Seabirds can be seen in many coastal areas and the 34 off-shore islets of Maui Nui, managed by DOFAW, but those breeding grounds are closed to human visitation.  A pair of binoculars from ocean-side roads will let you explore without disturbing endangered species.  For more on Hawaiian seabirds, visit:  The first in the state, Kanahā Pond State Wildlife Sanctuary in downtown Kahului can be accessed at Keolani Place entrance and is a great place to see several Hawaiian waterbird species.