Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document

Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document

2024-Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document Update and Request for Comments
The Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW ) is in the process of updating the last version of the guidance document (updated January 2021). Please send comments to dofaw.hcp@hawaii.gov by April 9th, 2024. Responses and revisions based on public comments will be prepared by DOFAW  for review by the Endangered Species Recovery Committee with the intent to ask for recommendation of final approval of the guidance document, or final approval with amendments.
2021- Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance January 2021 Update and Request for Comments. 
Extensive revisions to the January 2020 version of the bat guidance have been completed based on additional information and comments. Public comments to this new update must be received by February 18, 2021 to be considered. Please send comments to dofaw.hcp@hawaii.gov. Responses and revisions based on public comments will be prepared by DOFAW and the Hawaiian Hoary Bat Task Force for review by the Endangered Species Recovery Committee with the intent to ask for recommendation of final approval of the guidance document, or final approval with amendments.
Guidance Document:

Research Underway:

Research Completed: 

Documented Threats to Hawaiian Hoary Bats

Documented Threats to Bats Outside of Hawai’i

Other Bat Documents: