2020 Wahi Pana Essay Contest

2020 Wahi Pana Essay Contest

The ‘āina of Hawai‘i has changed dramatically since the first Earth Day 50 years ago, and it changes with each generation.  For the 50th anniversary of International Earth Day, April 22nd, 2020, DLNR/DOFAW challenged Hawai‘i high school students to interview someone they know over the age of 50 about a place they both share, a wahi pana.  Eighty-one essays from across the state were judged by a volunteer team of conservation and education experts, scoring essays from students on their islands.  Sixteen were chosen for publication, representing five islands and many ecosystems.  Mahalo to all students and elders for sharing their na‘auao about wahi pana, cherished by many. 

Winning Essays


Category: Forest

Category: Marine

Category: Other