Proposed Additions to the Forest Reserve System on Oʻahu
The following areas are proposed for addition to the Forest Reserve System on Oʻahu:
- Proposed addition of Tax Map Key (1) 6-3-001:003, 6-4-004:011, 7-1-002:011, and 7-2-001:003 comprising approximately 2,881.626 acres to the ʻEwa Forest Reserve. For more information, please visit:
- Proposed addition of Tax Map Key (1) 3-4-015:034 comprising approximately 25,731 square feet to the to Honolulu Watershed Forest Reserve.
Public Hearing Information:
A public hearing will be held on Thursday, December 20, 2018, at 5:30pm at the Kalanimoku Building, Land Board Conference Room 132, 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI, 96813.
All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing to present relevant information and opinions for DLNR’s consider. Persons unable to attend or wishing to provide additional comments may submit written testimony postmarked no later than January 4, 2019:
1) By mail to the Forestry Program Manager, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, 1151 Punchbowl St., #325, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96813;
2) By email to
Any person requesting an auxiliary aid or service (i.e. large print materials, sign language interpreters) is asked to contact Marissa Chee at 808-587-4177 or through the Telecommunication Relay Service at 711 by December 12, 2018.
After compiling input from the public hearing and other testimonies received through January 4, 2019, DOFAW will present a summary of public testimony, staff analyses and recommendations for further actions to the BLNR. After considering all public testimony, the Land Board will decide whether to proceed with or change their previous recommendation for the proposed revisions to the Forest Reserve System.
Should the BLNR opt to proceed with the current recommendations, DLNR will send the items to the Governor for final approval via Executive Order. If approved, the lands would be formally added to the Forest Reserve System; subject to Legislative approval. For lands added to the Forest Reserve System, the DOFAW Forestry Program would assume primary responsibility for the management and stewardship of the subject lands.
If approved, DOFAW will engage with the community and interested stakeholders in developing a Forest Reserve Management Plan that offers a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities, and guides forest restoration, water source protection, and native species habitat improvement.
CORRECTION: The December 13th press release incorrectly indicated that DOFAW will be presenting comments to the BLNR on January 4, 2019. January 4th is the deadline for written testimony to be submitted. DOFAW will present a summary of comments to the BLNR at a later date.