Land Acquisition Grant – Annual Selection Process

Land Acquisition Grant – Annual Selection Process

1.  First, an applicant submits its requests for consultation with State agencies no later than the published deadline.  Then, a final Grant Application, including State agency responses, is due at a later date.  Program staff is available to assist throughout the application process.

2.  The Legacy Land Conservation Commission  (LLCC) reviews each application received, including a field visit to each property proposed for conservation.   During its review process, the LLCC may suggest that an applicant submit additional information about the property to be conserved and further explanation about the application materials submitted.

3.  During a series of public meetings, LLCC members report on their review of each application; each applicant presents its proposal to the LLCC; and the LLCC discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the applications–including consideration of public testimony–before ranking the applications and issuing a funding recommendation.  After the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) consults with leadership in the State Legislature about the LLCC recommendation, the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) considers the recommendation in a public meeting and approves funding for selected applications.  DLNR then requests that the Governor approve and release funding for grant awards to the selected applicants/awardees.

4.  A county or nonprofit awardee receives an offer from BLNR to enter into a grant agreement for completing the land acquisition as proposed in the application.  The grant agreement is a contract with BLNR, signed by the awardee, the Department of the Attorney General, and the BLNR Chairperson.  Payment under the contract is on a reimbursement basis at the closing of a successful transaction, and requires satisfactory completion of contract terms and conditions, including numerous due diligence items for the real estate transaction that must be accepted and approved by the State.  BLNR may terminate a contract at will, and the availability of grant funds may be restricted via the Governor’s budget execution policies and instructions.