Paiko Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary

Paiko Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary

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Image of a Ae'o (Hawaiian Stilt) in the Paiko Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary

An Aeʻo (Hawaiian Stilt) at the Paiko Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary. PC: Keri Rouse, Kupu

The Paikō Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary includes all the State-owned land area adjacent to Paiko Lagoon, and water areas within Paikō Lagoon. 


Wildlife watching, hiking. 

Permits & Rules

  • This sanctuary is RESTRICTED, per administrative rules Chapter 126 (Wildlife Sanctuaries). Access is restricted to marked trails only.
  • Commercial activities may be possible with a permit. Contact the Oʻahu DOFAW office to discuss.
  • Other activities (like scientific research, conservation management, or subsistence, traditional, and customary practices by Native Hawaiians consistent with the long-term preservation of the wildlife sanctuary resources) may be possible with a permit. Individuals interested in permits should review the detailed information on our Permits & Guidelines page and contact their local DOFAW office.

Explore From Home

Some Native Plants & Animals

These are examples of native species associated with this site. This is not intended to be a comprehensive species inventory.

image of aeo


(Himantopus mexicanus knudsneni)

image of alae ula

ʻAlae ʻula

(Gallinula galeata sandvicensis)

image of hawaiian coot

ʻAlae keʻokeʻo

(Fulica alai)

image of aukuu


(Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli)

image of kolea or pacific golden plover


(Pluvialis fulva)

image of bird


(Arenaria interpres)

image of ulili or wandering tattler


(Tringa incana)


(Fregata minor)

Plans & Projects
