ESRC Meeting Notices and Archives
YouTube Recordings of Endangered Species Recovery Committee Meetings
Upcoming Endangered Species Recovery Committee Meetings
March 6th and 7th, 2025, FY 2024 Annual Review:
Day 1: FY 2024 Annual Review Day 1 Agenda
Day 2: FY 2024 Annual Review Day 2 Agenda
Meeting Materials:
USGS Evidence of Absence (EoA) Presentation
2019 Programmatic ITP Wind Energy EIS Appendices (Refer to Appendix C for the application of EoA calculations to the four facilities analyzed)
Updates to the Hawaiian hoary bat information and research webpage
DAY 1: Thursday March 6th, 2025
ITEM 2: Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes for the following ESRC public meetings:
• February 1st and 2nd, 2024
• March 11th, 2024
• December 6th, 2024
• February 21st, 2025
ITEM 4: Status of the Kawailoa Wind Farm Habitat Conservation Plan, Oʻahu
ITEM 5: Status of the Kahuku Wind Farm Habitat Conservation Plan, Oʻahu
ITEM 6:Status of the Nā Pua Makani Power Partners Habitat Conservation Plan, Oʻahu
ITEM 7: Status of the Kaheawa Wind Power I (KWP I) Habitat Conservation Plan, Maui
ITEM 8: Status of the Kaheawa Wind Farm II (KWP II) Habitat Conservation Plan, Maui
ITEM 9: Status of the Auwahi Wind Farm Habitat Conservation Plan, Maui
DAY 2: Friday March 7th, 2025
ITEM 2: Status of the Kenai Industrial Park Round-Leaved Chaff Flower
(Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata) Habitat Conservation Plan, O‘ahu
ITEM 3: Status of the Hōkūala (Kauaʻi Lagoons) Habitat Conservation Plan, Kauaʻi
ITEM 5:Haleakalā Safe Harbor Agreement, Maui; Puʻu O Hōkū Safe Harbor
Agreement and Programmatic Nēnē Safe Harbor Agreement, Molokaʻi
Endangered Species Recovery Committee Meetings Archive
February 21, 2025: Agenda
Meeting Materials:
- DOFAW Submittal
- ITEM 2: Request for ESRC Recommendation to the Board of Land and Natural Resources to Approve the Draft Safe Harbor Agreement for Introduction of Endangered Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas) to a Conservation Area on the Island of Lānaʻi
- Attachment 1: Safe Harbor Agreement for Introduction of Endangered Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas) to a Conservation Area on the Island of Lānaʻi
- Attachment 2: Master’s Report on Public Hearing for the Pūlama Lānaʻi Safe Harbor Agreement
- Attachment 3: Draft Incidental Take License – 32
January 17, 2025: Agenda
Meeting Materials:
December 6, 2024: Agenda
ITEM 2: Request for comments and review of the Draft Safe Harbor Agreement for Introduction of Endangered Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas) to a Conservation Area on the Island of Lānaʻi, between Lānaʻi Resorts, LLC dba Pūlama Lānaʻi, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources.
September 27, 2024: Agenda
- ITEM 2: Kahuku Wind Power Habitat Conservation Plan Mitigation Status Update
- ITEM 3: Summary of the Kahuku Wind Power Draft Key Concepts of New Proposed
Habitat Conservation Plan - ITEM 4: Kaheawa Wind Power I Habitat Conservation Plan Mitigation Status Update
- ITEM 5: Summary of the Kaheawa Wind Power I Draft Key Concepts of New Proposed
Habitat Conservation Plan
August 15, 2024: Agenda
- Item 2:ESRC Review of the Department of Land and Natural Resources Draft Conservation Banking Bill
- A. Committee Discussion and Comments
June 21, 2024- Cancelled
May 17, 2024:Agenda
Meeting Materials:
A:Na Pua Makani Poamoho Bat Habitat Management Plan
B. Na Pua Makani Bat Tier 1 Research Plan
C. Na Pua Makani PCMM Implementation Plan
D. Na Pua Makani Hawaiian Hoary Bat Deterrent Research Plan
April 19, 2024: Agenda
- ITEM 2: ESRC Review of 2023 annual reports from licensees regarding facility implementation of the Kauai Seabird Habitat Conservation Plan
- 2023 KSHCP Annual Report_final
- Presentation by Greg Spencer regarding Hawai‘i Department of Transportation:
- Presentation by Bronson Yadao regarding Kaua‘i Coffee
- Presentation by Sean O’Keefe regarding Alexander & Baldwin
- Presentation by Pat Porter and Kat Leonard regarding Kaua‘i County
- ITEM 3: ESRC Review of the Habitat Conservation Plan FY 2023 annual report from the Hōkūala Resort (formerly Kauaʻi Lagoons)
- ITEM 4: Habitat Conservation Plan and Incidental Take License for Kenai Industrial Park Relocation of Round-leaved Chaff Flower (Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata) HCP
March 15, 2024: Agenda
- Item 2: ESRC Review of 2023 annual reports from licensees regarding facility implementation of the Kauai Seabird Habitat Conservation Plan
- Presentation by Adrian Gall regarding NCL: Pride of America, and Norwegian Spirit Cruise ships.
- Presentation by Adrian Gall regarding Royal Sonesta Kauai Resort.
- Presentation by Adrian Gall regarding Sheraton Kaua’i Resort
March 12, 2024: Agenda
- Item 2: Draft Meeting Minutes for Approval
- Item 3: Presentation by Pacific Rim Conservation on the status of mitigation activities at Kahuama`a Seabird Recovery site and HCP administration
- Item 4: Presentation by Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project on the 2023 Searcher Efficiency Validation Decoy Trials
- Item 5: Participant Presentation 1 Hotel Hanalei (formerly Princeville Resort Kaua’i)
March 11, 2024: Agenda
- Item 3:Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document
- Item 4: ESRC Discussion and Vote on Kahuku Wind Farm’s revised proposal for barbed wire risk reduction for the Tier 2 Helemano Hawaiian Hoary Bat Mitigation Plan
- Public Testimony
February 16, 2024- MEETING CANCELLED
February 1st, 2nd, 5th, 2024: FY 2023 ESRC Annual Review Meeting
- Agenda
- Agency Staff Submittals
- Annual Reports
- Kaheawa Pastures Wind Energy Generation Facility (KWP I) HCP, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Kaheawa Wind Power II Wind Energy Generation Facility (KWP II) HCP, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Auwahi Wind HCP, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Kahuku Wind Power HCP, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Nā Pua Makani Wind Energy Project HCP, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Kawailoa Wind Power HCP, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Nēnē Maui Nui Safe Harbor Agreements, FY 2023 Annual Report
- Safe Harbor Agreement for Kamehameha Schools, Keauhou and Kīlauea Forest Lands, Hawaiʻi, FY 2023 Draft Annual Report
- Item 10:Status of Relocation of Round-leaved Chaff Flower (Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata) Habitat Conservation Plan, Oʻahu
- Meeting Materials
- Attachment 1-DOFAW Determination Letter (2021) for Mitigation Status of Kenai Industrial Park Achryanthes HCP
- Attachment 2-SWCA Response Letter (2022)
- Attachment 3- SWCA Response Letter (2022)
- Attachment 4-DOFAW Determination Letter (2022) for Mitigation Status of Kenai Industrial Park Achryanthes HCP
- Attachment 5-Request for Termination of Bond Letter (2023)
- Attachment 6- DOFAW Response Letter to Termination of Bond Request (2023)
- Attachment 7- Licensee Lawyer Response Letter to DOFAW (2023)
- AKC Testimony to ESRC
- Meeting Materials
- December 12, 2023 – MEETING CANCELLED – Agenda
- Meeting Materials:
- Item 4: Establishment of Monthly ESRC Public Meetings for Calendar Year 2024
- October 30, 2023 – Agenda
- Item 2: Draft Meeting Minutes
- Item 3: Presentation by the U.S. Geological Survey (Publications listed)
- Hoeh, J. P. S., A. A. Aguirre, F. A. Calderon, S. P. Casler, S. G. Ciarrachi, K. N. Courtot, K. M. Montoya-Aiona, C. A. Pinzari, and P. M. Gorresen. 2023. Seasonal and elevational differences by sex in capture rate of ʻōpeʻapeʻa (Lasiurus semotus) on Hawai‘i Island. Pacific Science 77:1–26. Available open access:
- Montoya-Aiona, K., P. M. Gorresen, K. N. Courtot, A. Aguirre, F. Calderon, S. Casler, S. Ciarrachi, J. Hoeh, J. L. Tupu, and T. Zinn. 2023. Multi-scale assessment of roost selection by ‘ōpe‘ape‘a, the Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus semotus). PLoS ONE 18:e0288280. Available open access:
- Pinzari, C. A., M. R. Bellinger, D. Price, and F. J. Bonaccorso. 2023. Genetic diversity, structure, and effective population size of an endangered, endemic hoary bat, ʻōpeʻapeʻa, across the Hawaiian Islands. PeerJ 11:e14365. Available open access:
- Item 4: Draft Kahuku Wind Project Hawaiian Hoary Bat Tier 2 Mitigation Plan
Bat Predator Research Papers
- 2017 Welch et al – The threat of invasive species to bats a review
- 2020 Khayat et al – cat predation as the cause of bat wing tears
- 2021 Oedin et al – Cats as a threat to bats worldwide
- 2022 Beattie et al – Investigation of bat mortality in british columbia
- 2023 Borkin et al – Bats attached by cats – evidence from forest and rural landscapes
- ODonnell et al – Controlling invasive predators enhances long term survival of endangered bats
- 1991 Speakman – Impact of predation by birds on bat populations in the British Isles
- 2007 Granjon and Traore – Prey selection by barn owls
- 2009 Towns – Eradications as reverse invasions
- 2012 ineich et al – Banded geckos main prey of barn owns – but also bats
- 2012 Scrimgeour et al – cat predation of short-tailed bats
- 2017 Edmonds et al – Survival of PIT-tagged lesser short-tailed bats through a 1080 operation
- June 22 & 23, 2023:
- May 17, 2023
- Agenda
- Approved Summary Meeting Minutes- May 17th, 2023
- Item 2: Approval of minutes from April 28, 2023 meeting
- Item 3; KSHCP annual reviews continued (documents reposted from previous meeting)
- April 28, 2023: Annual Reviews of Habitat Conservation Plans (Continuation)
- March 31, 2023: Annual Review for Kauai Seabird HCP.
- Agenda
- Approved Summary Meeting Minutes- March 31st, 2023
- Item 2: KSHCP annual summary report
- Item 3: Searcher Efficiency Validation, Appendix 1, Appendix 2
- Testimony received
- Item 4: Participant Annual Reports, and agency comments to 2021 implementation
- Kauai Coffee
- 1Hotel Hanalei ( Formerly Princeville Resort Kaua’i)
- Sonesta Royal Kauai Resort
- Sheraton, attachments
- Hawaii Dept. of Transportation, Agency Implementation letter HDOT
- County of Kauai
- March 29, 2023
- February 28, March 1 2023.
- Site Visit and Review of Draft Kauai Island Utility Coop. HCP, Appendices
- February 28, 2023 Agenda
- March 1, 2023 Agenda
- Approved Summary Meeting Minutes- February 28th and March 1st, 2023
- January 9 and 11, 2023: FY 2022 ESRC Annual Review Meeting
- December 8, 2022: Presentation by Kauai Island Utility Cooperative
- March 14, 2022: Annual Review of Kauai Seabird Habitat Conservation Plan
- February 3 and 4, 2022: ESRC Annual Review Meeting
- January 27, 2022: Agenda
- August 26, 2021: Agenda, Meeting Submittal
- Agenda Item 1: Vote to Rescind ʻUmikoa Ranch Incidental Take License (Info in Submittal)
- Agenda Item 2: Resolution Requesting DLNR to Petition to List Pueo on ESA
- Agenda Item 3: Round- leaved Chaff Flower Kenai Industrial Park Project HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report (LATE)
- Agenda Item 4: Discussion on Priority Research Needs of Hawaiian Hoary Bat (Info in Submittal)
- June 3, 2021: DOFAW Seabird Workshop Agenda
- Agenda Item 2: Andre Raine- The Status of Kauaʻi’s Endangered Seabirds
- Agenda Item 3: Lindsay Young- Predator Exclusion Fences on Kauaʻi
- Agenda Item 4: Lindsay Young- Results of 2016 Statewide Seabird Surveys
- Agenda Item 5: Rachel Sprague- Monitoring and Conservation Lānaʻi Seabirds
- Agenda Item 6: Jay Penniman- Seabirds: Maui, Molokaʻi, and Kahoʻolawe
- Agenda Item 7: Joy Tamayose- ʻUaʻu Management at Haleakalā National Park
- Agenda Item 9: Charlotte Perry- 2020 ʻUaʻu Monitoring at HAVO National Park
- Agenda Item 10: Alex Wang- Hawaiʻi Island Seabirds 2021
- Agenda Item 11: Rogelio Doratt- Band-rumped Storm Petrel Colony at PTA
- March 11, 2021: Agenda and FY20 Annual Report Summary
- January 27 and 28, 2021: Agenda and FY20 Annual Report Summary
- Draft January 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Part II); Part I to be completed
- Draft January 28, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Part II); Part I to be completed
- Agenda Item 2.B: DRAFT Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document ( Updated Jan. 2021)
- Agenda Item 3: Draft April 25, 2019 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 4: Abutilon menziesii HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 5: Kawailoa Wind Farm HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 6: Nā Pua Makani Wind Energy Project HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 7: Kahuku Wind Power HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 8: Kaheawa Wind Power I (KWP I) HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 9: Kaheawa Wind Power II (KWP II) HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 10: Safe Harbor Agreements, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 12: Kamehameha Schools Keauhou and Kīlauea Forest Lands SHA, FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 13: Hōkūala (Kauaʻi Lagoons) HCP, DRAFT FY 2020 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 14: Round- leaved Chaff Flower Kenai Industrial Park Project HCP, FY 2020 (Not heard at this meeting)
- Agenda Item 15: Auwahi Wind Farm HCP, FY 2020 Annual Report
- October 21, 2020: Agenda
- Agenda Item 3: Approval of Minutes
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document 2020
- September 30, 2020: Agenda
- Agenda Item 3: Approval of Minutes
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document 2020
- May 18, 2020: Agenda
- Pilot Project: Assessing the Effectiveness of the SOS Rehabilitation Project, Year 3 Report
- KSHCP Edits received May 18, 2020
- Public testimony
- Agenda Item 3: Kauaʻi Seabird Habitat Conservation Plan (KSHCP) with tracked changes
- Agenda Item 5: Kauaʻi Marriott Resort PIP
- Agenda Item 7: Kauai Coffee Company, LLC PIP
- Agenda Item 9: Sheraton Kauaʻi Resort PIP
- Agenda Item 11: NCL Ltd. PIP
- Agenda Item 13: 1 Hotel Hanalei (Princeville Resort Kauaʻi) PIP
- Agenda Item 15: County of Kauaʻi PIP
- Agenda Item 17: Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation PIP
- Agenda Item 19: Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. PIP
- March 5 and 6, 2020: Hui ʻŌpeʻapeʻa: Hawaiian Hoary Bat Workshop Agenda 2020
- Approved March 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes
- Approved March 6, 2020 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 2: Incidental Tale Licenses and Permitted Take to Date Presentation
- Agenda Item 3: Diet and Foraging Behavior Presentation
- Agenda Item 4: Updates on Ongoing Research
- Hoary Bat Ecology Project, Roost Metrics and Surveys, and Fidelity, Population Genetics and Genetic Sexing, and Diet and Metabarcoding Presentations
- Maui Habitat Use and Foraging Ecology Presentation
- Leeward Haleakalā Occupancy Monitoring Study Presentation
- Oʻahu Bat Occupancy and Distribution Study Presentation
- Agenda Item 5: Designing Studies to be Comparable Presentation
- Agenda Item 8: Monitoring
- Identifying and Monitoring Insect Prey of Bats Presentation
- Reforestation and Habitat Enhancement, and Insect Prey Availability, and Video and Acoustic Monitoring and Bat Activity and Behavior at Wind Turbines on Maui Presentation
- Acoustic Monitoring Data at Hawaiʻi Wind Farms, Patterns, and Regression Analysis Presentation
- Agenda Item 9: Bat Take Avoidance and Minimization at Wind Farms
- Agenda Item 10: Modeling
- Agenda Item 11: Draft Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document 2020
- January 15 and 16, 2020: Agenda
- Draft January 16, 2020 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 2. A: Draft Hawaiian Hoary Bat Guidance Document 2020
- Agenda Item 3: Kawailoa Wind Project HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 4: Kahuku Wind Power HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 5: Na Pua Makani Wind Energy Project HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 6: Auwahi Wind Farm HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 7: Kaheawa Pastures Wind Energy Generation Facility (KWP I) HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 8: Kaheawa Wind Power II Wind Generation Facility (KWP II) HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 9: Kamehameha Schools Keauhou and Kīlauea Forest Lands, Hawaiʻi Island SHA FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 10: Safe Harbor Agreements FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 11: Kauaʻi Lagoons HCP FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 12: Round-Leaved Chaff Flower HCP Kenai Industrial Park Project FY 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 13: Abutilon menziesii at Kapolei, HDOT HCP Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 14: Pakini Nui Wind Farm Draft HCP and Appendices
- October 23, 2019: Agenda
- October 7 and 8, 2019: Agenda
- September 30, 2019: Agenda
- August 29, 2019: Agenda
- July 25, 2019: Agenda
- Approved July 25, 2019 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 3: Draft August 30, 2018 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 4: Kawailoa Wind Power HCP Draft Amendment
- Agenda Item 6: Auwahi Wind Farm HCP Draft Amendment
- June 19, 2019: Agenda
- April 25, 2019: Agenda
- Approved April 25, 2019 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 5: Approval of Minutes
- Agenda Item 6: Kaheawa Wind Power II Wind Generation Facility HCP FY 2018 Annual Report
- March 7, 2019: Agenda
- Agenda Item 3: Round-Leaved Chaff Flower HCP Kenai Industrial Park Project FY 2018 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 4: Kauai Lagoons HCP FY 2018 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 5: Safe Harbor Agreements FY 2018 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 6: Kaheawa Pastures Wind Energy Generation Facility HCP FY 2018 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 7: Kahuku Wind Power HCP FY 2018 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 8: Abutilon menziesii at Kapolei, HDOT HCP FY 2018 Annual Report
- March 6, 2019: Agenda
- Agenda Item 3: Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) HCP Final Report
- Agenda Item 4: Hawaiian Hoary Bat Mitigation Research Study Updates, conducted by USGS and HCSU at UH Hilo
- Agenda Item 6: Hawaiian Hoary Bat Occupancy and Distribution on Oʻahu Study Update, conducted by WEST
- Agenda Item 7: Kawailoa Wind Project HCP FY 2018 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 8: Auwahi Wind Farm HCP Draft FY 2018 Annual Report
- February 15, 2019: Site Visit Agenda and Liability Waiver
- February 7, 2019: Site Visit Agenda and Liability Waiver
- January 24, 2019: Agenda
- October 25, 2018: Agenda
- Approved October 25, 2018 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 3: Auwahi Wind Farm Draft HCP Amendment
- Agenda Item 5: Kawailoa Wind Power Draft HCP Amendment
- August 30, 2018: Agenda
- August 22, 2018: Agenda (CANCELLED)
- Meeting Materials: Kahuamaa Management Plan
- Meeting Materials: Draft Kauai Seabird HCP, Chapter 5
- July 17, 2018: Agenda
- Approved July 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 3: Approved April 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 4: Interim Bat Report
- Agenda Item 4: Bat White Paper
- April 26, 2018: Agenda
- Approved April 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Minutes September 14, 2017
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Minutes October 19, 2017
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Minutes January 24 and 25, 2018
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Minutes February 22, 2018 Kaheawa Wind Power II Site Visit
- Agenda Item 4: Cyanotech HCP Extension
- Agenda Item 6: Kenai Industrial Park HCP Submittal
- Agenda Item 10: Bat White Paper
- February 22, 2018: Site Visit to Kaheawa Wind Power II Agenda
- January 24 and 25, 2018: Agenda
- November 27, 2017: Site Visit to Kaheawa Wind Power II Agenda (CANCELLED)
- November 7, 2017: Agenda
- October 19, 2017: Agenda
- Agenda Item 2: Kaheawa Wind Power II Draft HCP Amendment
- Agenda Item 2: Kaheawa Wind Power II HCP Amendment Submittal
- Approved October 19, 2017 Meeting Minutes
- September 14, 2017: Agenda
- Agenda Item 2: Approve Draft Minutes June 13, 2017 Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Abutilon Stabilization Plan
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Napuu Conservation HCP
- Agenda Item 5: Napuu Conservation HCP Submittal
- Approved September 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes
- June 13, 2017: Agenda
- Approved Minutes June 13, 2017
- Agenda Item 5: Kamehameha Schools SHA Submittal
- Agenda Item 5: Kamehameha Schools SHA
- February 27, 2017: Agenda
- December 8, 2016: Agenda
- November 1 and 2, 2016: Agenda
- September 28, 2016: Agenda
- August 29, 2016: Site Visit to Paikini Nui and Lalamilo Wind Farms Agenda
- June 9, 2016: Agenda
- Approved June 9, 2016 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 2: Final Minutes December 17, 2015 meeting
- Agenda Item 2: Final Minutes February 25, 2016 meeting
- Agenda Item 5: Cyanotech Submittal
- Agenda Item 5: Cyanotech HCP renewal/extension
- Agenda Item 5: Cyanotech 2006 HCP, 2006 amendment
- Agenda Item 7: Lalamilo Submittal
- Agenda Item 7: Lalamilo Draft HCP
- Agenda Item 8: Pakini Nui Submittal
- Agenda Item 8: Pakini Nui Draft HCP
- Agenda Item 9: Honuaʻula Submittal
- Agenda Item 9: Honuaʻula Draft HCP
- February 25, 2016: Agenda
- Approved February 25, 2016 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 2: Draft Minutes December 7 Site Visit
- Agenda Item 2: Draft Minutes December 17 Meeting
- Agenda Item 6: Submittal Na Pua Makani
- Agenda Item 6: Na Pua Makani HCP
- December 17, 2015: Agenda
- Approved December 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes
- Agenda Item 2: Meeting Minutes September 2015
- Agenda Item 3: Hawaiian Hoary Bat White Paper Guidance Document Final Draft
- Agenda Item 3: Bat research implementation plan
- Agenda Item 3: Bat research summary
- Agenda Item 5: Submittal Na Pua Makani
- Agenda Item 5: Na Pua Makani HCP final draft
- December 7, 2015 site visit meeting: Agenda
- October 21-22, 2015: Agenda
- Materials Agenda Item 2: Annual Review
- Materials Agenda Item 3: Hawaiian Hoary Bat White Paper Guidance Draft October 2015
- September 8, 2015: Agenda
- Materials Agenda Item 3: Hawaiian Hoary Bat White Paper Guidance Document
- Materials Agenda Item 4: Update on North Kona Game Management HCP
- Materials Agenda Item 5: Submittal
- August 20, 2015: Cancellation Notice
- April 14 and 15, 2015: ESRC Bat Workshop Packet & Agenda
- March 30 and 31, 2015: Agenda
- Meeting Minutes March 30
- Meeting Minutes March 31
- Materials: Agenda Item 3
- Materials: Draft North Kona Game Management HCP
- Materials: Agenda Item 4
- Materials: SunEdison Post-Intensive Monitoring
- Materials: Agenda Item-5
- Materials: Na Pua Makani Wind Energy Project Draft HCP
- December 16, 2014: Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Materials: Agenda Item 5
- October 23 and 24, 2014: Agenda
- Materials: Agenda Item 3
- Materials: Agenda Item 4
- Materials: Agenda Item 5
- July 2, 2014: Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Materials: Agenda Item 3
- Materials: Agenda Item 6
- May 13, 2014: Agenda
- March 21, 2014: Agenda
- Materials: Agenda Item 5- Submittal
- Materials: Agenda Item 6- Submittal
- Meeting Minutes
- October 24, 2013: Cancelled
- July 24, 2013: Agenda
- Materials: Draft Kenai Industrial Park HCP
- Materials: Agenda Item 5- Staff Submittal
- Materials: Agenda Item 6- Staff Submittal
- Meeting Minutes
- March 8 and 12, 2013: Agenda
- June 27 and 28, 2012: Agenda
- January 31, 2012: Agenda
- December 15, 2011: Agenda
- October 21, 2011: Agenda
- September 7, 2011: Agenda
- April 7 and 8, 2011: Agenda (Cancelled)
- December 6 and 7, 2010: Agenda
- September 16, 2010: Agenda
- May 18, 19, and 20, 2010: Agenda
- February 16, 17, and 18, 2010: Agenda
- November 12, 2009: Agenda
- July 16, 2009: Agenda
- April 22, 2009: Agenda